
Downloads media from reddit posts

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Serene-Arc has reimplemented the Bulk Downloader for Reddit so that it is more flexible, roboust and is easier to contribute. If you are having issues with master, v2 is worth checking out. After cloning the repository, switch to the branch v2 with git checkout v2

📥 Bulk Downloader for Reddit

Downloads reddit posts. Made by u/aliparlakci

Please give feedback (errors, feature requests, etc.) on the Issues page. I will try to resolve them ASAP.

🚀 How to use

If you run Windows, after you extract the zip file, double-click on the bulk-downloader-for-reddit.exe. The program will guide you through. Also, take a look at the Setting up the program section. However, Bulk Dowloader for Reddit has a plenty of features which can only be activated via command line arguments. See Options for it.

Unfortunately, there is no binary for MacOS or Linux. If you are a MacOS or Linux user, you must use the program from the source code. See the Interpret from source code page.

However, binary version for Linux is being worked. So, stay tuned.

OR, regardless of your operating system, you can fire up the program from the source code.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 script.py

See the Interpret from source code page for more information.

🔨 Setting up the program

📽 ffmpeg Library

Program needs ffmpeg software to add audio to some video files. However, installing it is voluntary. Although the program can still run with no errors without the ffmpeg library, some video files might have no sound.

Install it through a package manager such as Chocolatey in Windows, apt in Linux or Homebrew in MacOS:

  • in Windows: After you install Chocolatey, type choco install ffmpeg in either Command Promt or Powershell.
  • in Linux: Type sudo apt install ffmpeg in Terminal.
  • in MacOS: After you install Homebrew, type brew install ffmpeg in Terminal

OR, Download ffmpeg manually on your system and add the bin folder in the downloaded folder's directory to PATH of your system. However, package manager option is suggested.

🐋 Docker

There is also a complete ready to go Docker integration. Install Docker and docker-compose. Then run the following command from the repository root:

docker-compose run --service-ports bdfr

And you'll find youself right in the app. The files will be downloaded to downloads/. Since it is docker, you may want to change the ownership of the files once you're done (belongs to root by default).

Credits to wAuner

⚙ Options

Some of the below features are available only through command-line.

Open the Command Promt, Powershell or Terminal in the folder that contains bulk-downloader-for-reddit file (click on the links to see how)

After you type bulk-downloader-for-reddit.exe, type the preffered options.

Example: bulk-downloader-for-reddit.exe --subreddit pics --sort top --limit 10


Downloads posts from given subreddit(s). Takes number of subreddit names as a paramater.

Example usage: --subreddit IAmA pics --sort hot --limit 10


Downloads posts from given subreddit. Takes a single multireddit name as a parameter. --user option is required.

Example usage: --multireddit myMulti --user me --sort top --time week


Searches for given query in given subreddit(s) or multireddit. Takes a search query as a parameter. --subreddit or --multireddit option is required. --sort option is required.

Example usage: --search carter --subreddit funny


Downloads given redditor's submitted posts. Does not take any parameter. --user option is required.

Example usage: --submitted --user spɛz --sort top --time week


Downloads given redditor's upvoted posts. Does not take any parameter. --user option is required.

Example usage: --upvoted --user spɛz


Downloads logged in redditor's saved posts. Does not take any parameter. Example usage: --saved


Takes a reddit link as a parameter and downloads the posts in the link. Put the link in " " (double quotes).

Example usage: --link "https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/25blmh/"


Program saves the found posts into POSTS.json file and the failed posts to FAILED.json file in LOG_FILES folder. You can use those files to redownload the posts inside them.

Uses a .json file to redownload posts from. Takes single directory to a .json file as a parameter.

Example usage: --log D:\pics\LOG_FILES\FAILED.json


Takes a reddit username as a parameter. Example usage: --user spɛz


Takes a valid sorting type as a parameter. Valid sort types are hot, top, new, rising, controversial and relevance (if you are using --search option)

Example usage: --sort top


Takes a valid time as a parameter. Valid times are hour, day, week, month, year and all. Example usage: --time all


Takes a number to specify how many should program get. Upper bound is 1000 posts for each subreddit. For example, if you are downloading posts from pics and IAmA, the upper bound is 2000. Do not use the option to set it to highest bound possible.

Example usage: --limit 500


Takes a number of file types as a parameter to skip the posts from those domains. Valid file types are images, videos, gifs, self

Example usage: --skip self videos


Takes a number of domains as a parameter to skip the posts from those domains.

Example usage: --skip v.redd.it youtube.com youtu.be


Automatically quits the application after it finishes. Otherwise, it will wait for an input to quit.

Example usage: --quit


Takes a directory which the posts should be downloaded to. Overrides the given default directory. Use ..\ to imply upper level and .\ to imply the current level.

Example usage: --directory D:\bdfr\
Example usage: --directory ..\images\
Example usage: -d ..\images\
Example usage: -d .\


Starts the program to set a filename template to use for downloading posts. Does not take any parameter.

When the programs starts, you will be prompted to type a filename template. Use SUBREDDIT, REDDITOR, POSTID, TITLE, UPVOTES, FLAIR, DATE in curly brakets { } to refer to the corrosponding property of a post.

❗ Do NOT change the filename structure frequently. If you did, the program could not find duplicates and would download the already downloaded files again. This would not create any duplicates in the directory but the program would not be as snappy as it should be.

The default filename template is {REDDITOR}_{TITLE}_{POSTID}

Example usage: --set-filename


Starts the program to set a folder structure to use for downloading posts. Does not take any parameter.

When the programs starts, you will be prompted to type a filename template. Use SUBREDDIT, REDDITOR, POSTID, TITLE, UPVOTES, FLAIR, DATE in curly brakets { } to refer to the corrosponding property of a post. Do not put slashes / or backslashes \ at either ends. For instance, {REDDITOR}/{SUBREDDIT}/{FLAIR}

The default filename template is {SUBREDDIT}

Example usage: --set-folderpath


Starts the program to set a default directory to use in case no directory is given. Does not take any parameter.

When the programs starts, you will be prompted to type a default directory. You can use {time} in foler names to use to timestamp it. For instance, D:\bdfr\posts_{time}

Example usage: --set-default-directory


Sets the program to use config.json file in the current directory. Creates it if it does not exists. Useful for having different configurations. Does not take any parameter.

Example usage: --use-local-config


Skips the same posts in different subreddits. Does not take any parameter.

Example usage: --no-dupes


Quits the program without downloading the posts. Does not take any parameter

Example usage: --no-download


Takes a file directory as a parameter and skips the posts if it matches with the post IDs inside the file. It also saves the newly downloaded posts to the given file.

Example usage: --downloaded-posts D:\bdfr\ALL_POSTS.txt


I am running the script on a headless machine or on a remote server. How can I authenticate my reddit account?

  • Download the script on your everday computer and run it for once.
  • Authenticate the program on both reddit and imgur.
  • Go to your Home folder (for Windows users it is C:\Users\[USERNAME]\, for Linux users it is /home/[USERNAME])
  • Copy the config.json file inside the Bulk Downloader for Reddit folder and paste it next to the file that you run the program.

How can I change my credentials?

  • All of the user data is held in config.json file which is in a folder named "Bulk Downloader for Reddit" in your Home directory. You can edit them, there.

    Also if you already have a config.json file, you can paste it next to the script and override the one on your Home directory.

What do the dots resemble when getting posts?

  • Each dot means that 100 posts are scanned.

Getting posts takes too long.

  • You can press Ctrl+C to interrupt it and start downloading.

How do I open self post files?

  • Self posts are held at reddit as styled with markdown. So, the script downloads them as they are in order not to lose their stylings. However, there is a great Chrome extension for viewing Markdown files with its styling. Install it and open the files with Chrome.

    However, they are basically text files. You can also view them with any text editor such as Notepad on Windows, gedit on Linux or Text Editor on MacOS.