
C++ Client for Unreal Engine 4 running Carla

Primary LanguageC++


A C++ client for Unreal Engine 4 running carla.


  • Change dir to libs/protobuf and run ./autogen.sh
  • Run ./configure --prefix=$DIR/CarlaClientCpp/libs/protobuf
  • Run make && make install


  • Be sure to have QtCreator and boost installed
  • Open the .pro file inside folder CCGUI and hit F5 (or make all)


  • Copy the CarlaSettings.ini into your build directory (add or remove sensors there)
  • (optional) copy the file OFFLINE.png to the build directory
  • Run Carla and press the "Start" button for a quick startup
  • If you make some changes to the sim params inside the GUI you also need to select File->SaveConfiguration


  • fetch user parameters through GUI
  • record simulation data
  • move streaming to different thread (not blocking GUI)
  • add stop/disconnect feature