Pinned issues
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Sessions for 24-25 Session
#57 opened by zakhaev26 - 3
(proposal) : DRCs
#56 opened by zakhaev26 - 3
- 8
- 8
[IDEA]: Music streaming in CLI
#53 opened by majorbruteforce - 4
Let's make p-soc great again!
#52 opened by majorbruteforce - 6
Project: GC Score Broadcasting Service
#51 opened by majorbruteforce - 8
Sessions for 2019-20
#49 opened by dnabanita7 - 3
Become a Google DSC(Developer Student Club)
#50 opened by dnabanita7 - 1
Start CSI Chapter
#44 opened by arijeetsat - 6
Organize MLH / Any kind of hackathon
#10 opened by palash25 - 2
Creation of SIGs
#8 opened by palash25 - 15
Kaggle Community
#42 opened by ankitjha97 - 8
Get Github benefits for the org
#12 opened by palash25 - 13
NVIDIA India's HPC Peer Communities
#43 opened by palash25 - 8
IIIT complaint portal
#48 opened by geekysrm - 8
Ideas for sessions for the next year
#9 opened by palash25 - 5
Mozilla Science Lab Study Group
#27 opened by palash25 - 42
Papers We Love Bhubaneswar chapter
#17 opened by palash25 - 0
#47 opened by palash25 - 3
Hackathon Slack Bot
#46 opened by palash25 - 34
- 5
Initiating the AI saturday Bhubaneswar chapter
#45 opened by saiamrit - 9
Quizzeratti Web App
#25 opened by palash25 - 9
Build a GSoC blog aggregator
#29 opened by Rupeshiya - 2
Add all p-soc projects to openhub
#38 opened by palash25 - 3
Mission Statement of p-society
#36 opened by nawedx - 3
Bring docker to our campus
#14 opened by palash25 - 10
List of Grants
#26 opened by palash25 - 16
Invite tech speakers to deliver talks
#24 opened by palash25 - 50
Start CSI Chapter / Ideas to revive ACM chapter
#18 opened by palash25 - 29
- 5
Notes & Quick Start Guides
#37 opened by IamRaviTejaG-zz - 6
- 32
HeatJam Online Programming Contest on CodeChef
#34 opened by bkhanale - 24
Partner recommendation system
#40 opened by ayush1999 - 7
P-Soc FOSS Wing Site
#7 opened by palash25 - 6
PORs for Upcoming Session
#39 opened by ankitjha97 - 9
Online Presence
#19 opened by palash25 - 13
Set up accounts for online donation platforms
#30 opened by palash25 - 2
CLI tool idea. Video---> Mp3
#33 opened by knrt10 - 9
- 8
- 7
- 11
Nullptr on Telegram
#21 opened by palash25 - 14
WebApp to book turns for the washing machine
#15 opened by palash25 - 1
- 1
Ideas for competitions
#11 opened by palash25 - 5
Start a Node School chapter
#16 opened by palash25 - 2
Set up a TOR node in campus
#13 opened by palash25