
What Went Wrong

MIT LicenseMIT

What Went Wrong

Things that went wrong during p-soc session.

This repository can be used as a record of things that were missed or forgotten during / before the preparation of a session so that it can be used as a reference so that they can be avoided in the future sessions.

Who can make changes to this document?

The organizers and volunteers from the events are encouraged to add to this document by raising PRs. The attendees are also encouraged to raise issues if they find something missing.

The sessions and what went wrong

  1. Linux Install Fest
  • Needed better outreach
  • Needed more flash drives
  1. Open Source Session
  • On the request of the freshers the event was post-poned which was a bad decision which led to the real session being postponed even further.
  • Forgot to mention the prerequisites of the session which were:
    • Creating a github account
    • Verifying the github email
    • Installing git bash for the windows laptops
  • Pushing/fetching to/from remotes was giving https errors (need to keep these in mind for the next session)
  • No Feedback form.