
Presentation plugin for neovim written in lua

Primary LanguageLua


A Presentation plugin written for Neovim in Lua



You can install Present with your plugin manager of choice

  use {
    config = function()
        -- ... your config here



Present comes with the following defaults

    default_mappings = true,
    kitty = {
      normal_font_size = 12,
      zoom_font_size = 28,

You can configure the keymaps for next and previous slide by binding your desired keys to :bnext and :bprevious

Present currently only supports zooming in for kitty.

My Presentation Workflow

I would usually create one file for each slide and name them as slide-*.md. I put all of these files in a directory and that forms my presentation.

I heavily use toilet to create my headings and sub-headings. I use vim-unicode-snippets to insert unicode characters like bullets or checks.

You can find the example displaying in the gif in the assets/ folder