
Spring TDLib. TDLib Telegram client with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram. TDLib Spring Boot Starter

Spring Boot Starter for Telegram based on TDLib.



Technology Version
jdk 17
TDLib 1.8.20
Spring Boot 3


  1. Download by one of two options:
  • 1.1 Clone source code:
git clone https://github.com/p-vorobyev/spring-boot-starter-telegram.git


  • 1.2 Download artifact from GitHub Packages:

       Specify github server with your credentials in settings.xml for Apache Maven. See GitHub docs how to generate personal token.

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"



       Add repository to pom.xml of your project.

  1. Create your Spring Boot module.

  2. Add dependency to your project:


Or just download artifact by path Releases -> 1.5.0 -> dev.voroby.spring-boot-starter-telegram (maven) -> Assets -> spring-boot-starter-telegram-1.5.0.jar from the latest release and add it to your project's classpath instead of the steps above.

  1. Specify JVM property for compiled TDLib shared library path:

You can find compiled libraries for several platforms in libs directory of the source code from the latest release. If you haven't found a library for your OS and architecture, you can build it yourself following this instructions.

Configuration properties

Mandatory properties for autoconfiguration:

property type description
spring.telegram.client.api-id int Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org
spring.telegram.client.api-hash String Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org
spring.telegram.client.phone String The phone number of the user, in international format.
spring.telegram.client.database-encryption-key String Encryption key for the database. If the encryption key is invalid, then an error with code 401 will be returned.
spring.telegram.client.system-language-code String IETF language tag of the user's operating system language; must be non-empty.
spring.telegram.client.device-model String Model of the device the application is being run on; must be non-empty.

Additional properties:

property type description
spring.telegram.client.database-directory String The path to the directory for the persistent database; if empty, the current working directory will be used.
spring.telegram.client.use-file-database boolean Pass true to keep information about downloaded and uploaded files between application restarts.
spring.telegram.client.use-chat-info-database boolean Pass true to keep cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats between restarts. Implies use-file-database.
spring.telegram.client.use-message-database boolean Pass true to keep cache of chats and messages between restarts. Implies use-chat-info-database.
spring.telegram.client.use-secret-chats boolean Pass true to enable support for secret chats.
spring.telegram.client.log-verbosity-level int The maximum verbosity level of messages for which the callback will be called.
spring.telegram.client.system-version String Version of the operating system the application is being run on. If empty, the version is automatically detected by TDLib.
spring.telegram.client.enable-storage-optimizer boolean Pass true to automatically delete old files in background.
spring.telegram.client.ignore-file-names boolean Pass true to ignore original file names for downloaded files. Otherwise, downloaded files are saved under names as close as possible to the original name.
spring.telegram.client.use-test-dc boolean Pass true to use Telegram test environment instead of the production environment.

Using proxy(Http/Socks5/MtProto):

property type description
spring.telegram.client.proxy.server String Proxy server address.
spring.telegram.client.proxy.port int Proxy port.
  • Http
property type description
spring.telegram.client.proxy.http.username String Http proxy username.
spring.telegram.client.proxy.http.password String Http proxy password.
spring.telegram.client.proxy.http.http-only boolean Pass true if the proxy supports only HTTP requests and doesn't support transparent TCP connections via HTTP CONNECT method.
  • Socks5
property type description
spring.telegram.client.proxy.socks5.username String Socks5 proxy username.
spring.telegram.client.proxy.socks5.password String Socks5 proxy password.
  • MtProto
property type description
spring.telegram.client.proxy.mtproto.secret String MtProto proxy secret.


  1. Specify application.properties:
  1. Now we can inject and work with client and authorization beans.
private TelegramClient telegramClient;

private ClientAuthorizationState authorizationState;
  1. At the first start you need to authorize client. If the client waiting for some credentials you can check this in several ways:
  • authorizationState api
 * @return authentication sate awaiting authentication code
boolean isWaitAuthenticationCode();

 * @return authentication sate awaiting two-step verification password
boolean isWaitAuthenticationPassword();

 * @return authentication sate awaiting email address
boolean isWaitEmailAddress();

 * @return authorization status
boolean haveAuthorization();

 * All databases are closed and all resources are released. No other updates will be received after this.
 * All queries will be responded to with error code 500.
 * @return is TDLib client in its final state
boolean isStateClosed();
  • application log
INFO 10647 --- [   TDLib thread] .s.t.c.u.UpdateAuthorizationNotification : Please enter authentication code
INFO 10647 --- [   TDLib thread] .s.t.c.u.UpdateAuthorizationNotification : Please enter password

You can check and send credentials with authorizationState. TDLib will save the session in the database. All functionality is now available. The next time you run the client, it will use the saved session until you clear the database or terminate the session from another client(official app, etc.).

  1. TDLib query usage examples:
  • An example of synchronous call. Let's get TdApi.Chat object by id:
TdApi.Chat chat = telegramClient.sendSync(new TdApi.GetChat(chatId), TdApi.Chat.class);
  • An example of asynchronous call with callback. Let's get info about ourselves:
telegramClient.sendWithCallback(new TdApi.GetMe(), obj -> {
            TdApi.User user = (TdApi.User) obj;
                    .ifPresent(usernames -> log.info("Active username: {}", usernames.activeUsernames[0]));
  • An example of asynchronous call with CompletableFuture. Let's send hello message to ourselves:
telegramClient.sendAsync(new TdApi.GetMe(), TdApi.User.class)
                .thenApply(user -> user.usernames.activeUsernames[0])
                .thenApply(username -> telegramClient.sendAsync(new TdApi.SearchChats(username, 1), TdApi.Chats.class))
                .thenCompose(chatsFuture ->
                        chatsFuture.thenApply(chats -> chats.chatIds[0]))
                .thenApply(chatId -> telegramClient.sendAsync(sendMessageQuery(chatId)));

private TdApi.SendMessage sendMessageQuery(Long chatId) {
        var content = new TdApi.InputMessageText();
        var formattedText = new TdApi.FormattedText();
        formattedText.text = "Hello!";
        content.text = formattedText;
        return new TdApi.SendMessage(chatId, 0, null, null, null, content);
  1. Register implementations of UpdateNotificationListener and handle updates from TDLib. For example, let's listen an incoming messages notification:
@Component @Slf4j
public class UpdateNewMessageHandler implements UpdateNotificationListener<TdApi.UpdateNewMessage> {

    public void handleNotification(TdApi.UpdateNewMessage notification) {
        TdApi.Message message = notification.message;
        TdApi.MessageContent content = message.content;
        if (content instanceof TdApi.MessageText mt) {
            log.info("Incoming text message:\n[\n\tchatId: {},\n\tmessage: {}\n]", 
                    message.chatId, mt.text.text);

    public Class<TdApi.UpdateNewMessage> notificationType() {
        return TdApi.UpdateNewMessage.class;


You can find usage example in simple-client app.


Be careful and do not push personal data like api-id,api-hash, phone to remote repositories.


MIT License