Get mobile notifications (Pushover, when items are for sale within your GHST threshold.
[Java 17+, Maven 3.x]
git clone
mvn clean package install
mvn clean package
mv target/bazaartracker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar bazaartracker.jar
Match Bazaar "Guy Fawkes" ERC1155 wearable with GHST threshold of 40, pushover UserID A and AppID B, and check every 2 minutes:
java -jar ./bazaartracker.jar -t WEARABLE -q "Guy Fawkes" -g 40.0 -u A -a B -s 120
Match a gotchi with BRS 537, disregard kinship, GHST threshold of 1200, pushover UserID A and AppID B, and check every 2 minutes:
java -jar ./bazaartracker.jar -t GOTCHI -g 1200.0 -b 537.0 -i 0.0 -u A -a B -s 120
Match a Haunt1 gotchi with kinship 497, disregard brs, GHST threshold of 1500, pushover UserID A and AppID B, and check every 2 minutes:
java -jar ./bazaartracker.jar -t GOTCHI -g 1500.0 -i 497.0 -b 0.0 -u A -a B -s 120
-a,--apitokenappid <arg> API token app ID
-b,--minbrs <arg> Min BRS for your Gotchi
-g,--ghstthreshold <arg> Bazaar item threshold in GHST
-h,--maxhaunt <arg> Max haunt of the gotchi you are looking for
-i,--minkinship <arg> Min kinship of the gotchi you are looking for
-k,--walletprivkey <arg> Wallet private key
-m,--walletmnemonic <arg> Wallet mnemonic
-o,--apikeypolygonscan <arg> The Polygonscan API key (
-p,--providerurl <arg> MATIC/Polygon Provider URL (infura etc)
-q,--matchstring <arg> Bazaar item name match string
-s,--graphpollfrequency <arg> The Graph poll frequency
-t,--itemtype <arg> Bazaar item type, WEARABLE, CONSUMABLE, PARCEL or GOTCHI
-u,--apitokenuserid <arg> API token user ID
-w,--wallet <arg> Wallet address
-x,--autobuy Attempt to autobuy with GHST in your wallet
-y,--minghst <arg> Minimum GHST in target gotchi pocket
To support this project directly:
Ethereum/EVM: forestfish.x / 0x207d907768Df538F32f0F642a281416657692743
Or please consider donating to EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation