
Notification tool for low GWEI gas prices

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


Launch this tool and get mobile notifications (Pushover, https://pushover.net/) when gas fees are low/at your specified threshold.

alt text


[Java 17+, Maven 3.x]

git clone https://github.com/p00temkin/forestfish
mvn clean package install

Building the application

mvn clean package
mv target/gweichaser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar gweichaser.jar


Using a random Ethereum chain node with GWEI threshold of 15

java -jar ./gweichaser.jar -c ETHEREUM -t 15

Using a personal Infura Ethereum Provider URL https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/abc, a pushover UserID A and AppID B with GWEI threshold of 10 and repeatcount 2

java -jar ./gweichaser.jar -c ETHEREUM -p "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/abc" -u A -a B -t 10 -r 2

Using a optmized Polygon chain node selection with GWEI threshold of 15. Since the response time for all known Polygon providerURLs are evaluated the script initialization will introduce a slight delay.

java -jar ./gweichaser.jar -c POLYGON -t 15 -n


-c,--chain <arg>                   EVM chain shortname (ETHEREUM, POLYGON, ..)
-a,--apitokenappid <arg>           API token app ID
-p,--providerurl <arg>             ETH Provider URL (infura etc)
-r,--repeatbelowthreshold <arg>    repeat below threshold (default 3)
-s,--pollintervalinseconds <arg>   poll interval in seconds (default 60)
-t,--gweithreshold <arg>           GWEI threshold (default 20)
-u,--apitokenuserid <arg>          API token user ID
-n,--nodeopt <arg>                 Instruct to use optimized node/providerURL selection


To support this project directly:

Ethereum/EVM: forestfish.x / 0x207d907768Df538F32f0F642a281416657692743

Or please consider donating to EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation