
iOS arm64e oldabi converter

Primary LanguageC++


A port of allemand by evelyneee to C++.

Converts old ABI arm64e Mach-O binaries to work on latest ABI.

NOTE: This is not a complete solution, and while it works well enough for many tweaks, nobody can guarantee it'll work. Especially it seems to not work with tweaks using Swift, which includes any tweak relying on the Cephei library.


allemande file.dylib [out.dylib]

Invoke the above on fat (final) binary, and then re-sign it with:

ldid -s out.dylib
ldid -S out.dylib




cl /std:c++20 /EHsc /Feallemande.exe main.cpp



g++ -std=c++20 -o allemande main.cpp


clang++ -std=c++20 -o allemande main.cpp

If you're compiling it manually on iOS itself, remember to also sign it with ldid -S

iOS with Theos

make package THEOS_PACKAGE_SCHEME=rootless

Then it builds a net.p0358.allemande deb, installing which will give you allemande tool on your device.

Usage with Theos

If you want to set up your Theos to invoke allemande over compiled arm64e binaries built for rootless:

Edit the file $THEOS/makefiles/instance/rules.mk, find the line $(ECHO_MERGING)$(ECHO_UNBUFFERED)$(TARGET_LIPO) $(foreach ARCH,$(TARGET_ARCHS),-arch $(ARCH) $(THEOS_OBJ_DIR)/$(ARCH)/$(1)) -create -output "$$@"$(ECHO_END) and insert the following underneath:

ifeq ($(THEOS_PACKAGE_SCHEME),rootless)
ifneq ($(filter arm64e,$(TARGET_ARCHS)),)
    /path/to/allemande "$$@"

(here it assumes that you only want to run it through allemande if building for rootless, and if target archs include arm64e – all rootful jailbreaks should not require the usage of new ABI...)

Regrettably there's currently no nicer way in Theos to have a hook in between lipo and binary signing.