
A python script to automatically add a KeyCredentialLink to newly created users, by quickly connecting to them with default credentials.

Primary LanguagePython

A python script to automatically add a KeyCredentialLink to newly created users, by quickly connecting to them with default credentials.
GitHub release (latest by date) YouTube Channel Subscribers


The idea is fun, but does not work for now. It will maybe work one day when a new technique to allow a user to write its own msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute is found.


  • Automatically add a msDS-KeyCredentialLink to newly created users using default password.


Requirements :

  • Knowledge of the default password attrributed to new users in the domain.
  • PKINIT ?
  1. Wait for a new User account to be created
  2. Connect with the default password
  3. Add msDS-KeyCredentialLink field to the account
  4. Goto 1
[+]    AccountShadowTakeover v1.0        @podalirius_    

[>] Waiting for new user creations ...
[+] User 'CN=takeuser20,CN=Users,DC=LAB,DC=local' was added.
   [>] Trying to add shadow credentials to 'takeuser20'
     | Trying to authenticate with user 'LAB.local\takeuser20' and password 'Corp2021!'
     | Authentication successful!
     | Generating certificate
     | Certificate generated
     | Generating KeyCredential
     | KeyCredential generated with DeviceID: cdb617df-94cc-2319-cc4e-999001fbd978
     | Updating the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of takeuser20
{'result': 50, 'description': 'insufficientAccessRights', 'dn': '', 'message': '00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150F94, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0\n\x00', 'referrals': None, 'type': 'modifyResponse'}