
Command line tool to fetch, decode and brute-force CodeIgniter session cookies by guessing and bruteforcing secret keys.

Primary LanguagePython

A multithreaded bruteforcer of CodeIgniter ci_session cookies.
GitHub release (latest by date) YouTube Channel Subscribers


  • Extract the ci_session cookie from an URL (with --url) or from a file (with --cookie)
  • Progress updated every second with the number of processed hashes per second.
  • Multithreaded bruteforce.


$ ./CodeIgniter-session-unsign.py -h
CodeIgniter-session-unsign v1.1 - by @podalirius_

usage: CodeIgniter-session-unsign.py [-h] [-u URL | -c COOKIE] -w WORDLIST [-t THREADS] [-k] [--md5 MD5 | --sha1 SHA1 | --sha256 SHA256]

Description message

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     URL of the CodeIgniter website.
  -c COOKIE, --cookie COOKIE
                        CodeIgniter session cookie.
  -w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
                        Wordlist of keys to test.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads (default: 8)
  -k, --insecure        Allow insecure server connections when using SSL (default: False)
  --md5 MD5             Use MD5 algorithm.
  --sha1 SHA1           Use SHA1 algorithm.
  --sha256 SHA256       Use SHA256 algorithm.


./CodeIgniter-session-unsign.py -c ./example/cookie -w ./example/wordlist


Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.
