A system administration or post-exploitation script to automatically extract the bitlocker recovery keys from a domain.
- 0A7V9A0a7v9a
- 1njectedRzec AB
- 3eykaWest Coast of Fontaine
- a7t0fwa7
- AbdullahRizwan101
- C0C0red
- clem9669
- CybLow
- f1r4s
- FaeethFrance
- fbaligantSynalabs
- Fox8ter
- gabyavra
- Include-sys
- jheeree/dev/null
- JimSycurity
- kaahos
- korang
- laxa@Synacktiv
- lefayjey
- maaaaz
- marcoheijkoop@sevenp
- nclvCalypt
- Nekr0w
- OPortista
- orinocoz
- p0daliriusPodalirius Labs
- ProngedForkIndia
- rakanskiyUkraine, Lviv
- s0j0hnFrance
- ScriptIdiotHong Kong
- swarupsroMTB
- th3g3ntl3m4n84jpfdevs cybersecurity
- Thauza
- tzf-omkey
- yeshuibo