
Hydra wrapper for bruteforcing Microsoft Outlook Web Application.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Hydra wrapper for bruteforcing Microsoft Outlook Web Application.
GitHub release (latest by date) YouTube Channel Subscribers


This script is based on hydra. You can install it with :

apt install hydra


bash$ ./owabrute.sh -h
Usage : ./owabrute.sh
      -d DOMAIN    : Target domain. Example : remote.targethost.co.uk
      -u USERSLIST : Path to wordlist of users to test
      -p PASSLIST  : Path to wordlist of passwords to test


Usage example against a test domain test.domain.net with ./users.txt and ./passwords.txt wordlists :

./owabrute.sh -d test.domain.net -u ./users.txt -p ./passwords.txt

If the files cannot be accessed, you will have a message indicating Could not access ressource :

bash$ ./owabrute.sh -d test.domain.net -u ./users.txt -p ./passwords.txt

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Hydra wrapper for bruteforcing Microsoft OWA.

DOMAIN    : test.domain.net
USERSLIST : ./users.txt
PASSLIST  : ./passwords.txt (Could not access ressource)

[WARN] Some resources could not be accessed. Aborting...

Additional references