This tool can be used to generate an ISF file for Volatitlity3.
WARNING - This tool will download 700MB - 1Gb of data per kernel in order to generate a given symbol set. The resulting ISF file is compressed to approx 3Mb.
You can also check the to search / download a precompiled ISF File.
First you need to identify the distribution and kernel version you want to download. You can get the kernel version by running uname -r
If you are targetting a non default kernel, like AWS or Azure you will also need to include the branch name. See the examples below for more detail.
usage: [-h] -d {ubuntu,debian} -k KERNEL [-b BRANCH] [-v]
Generate a volatilty symbol file for a given distro and kernel version
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d {ubuntu,debian}, --distro {ubuntu,debian}
Target Distribution
-k KERNEL, --kernel KERNEL
Target Kernel release or 'all' The output of `uname -r`
-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
Target Kernel branch e.g. linux-aws
-v, --verbose Verbose Debug logging
To generate a symbol file for Debian
use the following command
python3 -d debian -k '4.9.0-13-amd64'
To generate a symbol file for Ubuntu
use the following command
python3 -d ubuntu -k '5.11.0-43-generic'
To generate a symbol file for AWS
use the following command
python3 -d ubuntu -b 'linux-aws' -k '4.15.0-1048-aws'