A labyrinth map generation tool for Ace of Spades "Classic" (0.75 and 0.76).
Updates and pictures are posted in this thread: http://buildandshoot.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=5239
The generated map work with the server mod "laby.py" which is still buggy.
Also it needs a map generation hook to be generated on the fly.
usage: vxlgen [-seed n] [-o output-file.vxl]
Nothing much interesting. It works on 4x4x6 "cells".
To ensure there is a path from anywhere to anywhere the algorithm works as follow:
- place walls and floor randomly
- place rooms (approximately 10% of the tower volume)
- place stairs randomly (approximately 8 for a 128x128 floor)
- for each floor
- colour each connected group of cells
- create connections until there is only one colour
- bury unreachable areas
- bury dead-ends