PHP classes for easily creating QUeXML-based valid questionnaries XML files.
First of all, we need to create new Questionnaire object which will keep all our data
$qre = new Questionnaire('Title of questionnaire', 'Subtitle of questionnaire', 1);
1 is unique ID of questionnaire. QueXML requires it to be unique between questionnaries.
Next step is adding Data Collector and Investigator to our questionnaire
$qre->addDataCollector(new DataCollector(
array('salutation'=>'Dr', 'firstName'=>'Betsy', 'lastName'=>'Blunsdon'),
'Deakin University', array('street'=>'221 Burwood Highway', 'suburb'=>'BURWOOD', 'postcode'=>3125, 'country'=>'Australia'),
$qu->addInvestigator(new Investigator(
array('salutation'=>'Dr', 'firstName'=>'Betsy', 'lastName'=>'Blunsdon'),
'Deakin University', array('street'=>'221 Burwood Highway', 'suburb'=>'BURWOOD', 'postcode'=>3125, 'country'=>'Australia'),
There must be a minimum of 1 investigator and 1 data collector. Next, adding questionnaire info block
$qre->addQuestionnaireInfo(new QuestionnaireInfo('before', 'This is class for your, my lord!', 'self'));
For additional details you may take a look at QuestionnaireInfo class, which is well-documented.
Okay, creating new Section of questionnaire
$section = new Section();
...and add some section info; see details in Section class
$section->addSectionInfo('title', 'section b', 'self');
$section->addSectionInfo('before', 'Information about you', 'interviewer');
Then creating question to be attached to section
$question = new Question('What do you think about...');
Adding directives
$question->addDirective('during', 'Please cross the most appropriate box', 'self'); // see Question class for details
Adding subquestions
$question->addSubQuestion('The first part of a matrix question', 'A1_A');
$question->addSubQuestion('The second question in a matrix question', 'A1_B');
Adding responses. When adding fixed response, it's important to add categories then (if you in need of matrix question)
$question->addCategory('They are useful', '2');
$question->addCategory('Don\'t Know', '3');
Don't forget to attach your question to section created earlier.
And attach section to our questionnaire
Final step is to get well-formed valid quexml representation of questionnaire
echo $qu->getXML();