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Make sure you have rvm installed, and run:

rvm install ruby-2.1.2


gem install s3_website
git clone
bundle install
npm install -g webpack
npm install
jekyll serve

Create a post

octopress new post 'How to codez'

Create a multilingual a post

We use Octopress Multilingual for this. Our default language is English. Please follow this standard when creating a multilingual post:

  • language definition: if your post is in English, don't use the lang attribute. If your post is in another language, use it like this: lang: pt.

  • post title: create translations with the same name of your original English post. If you create create your English post with octopress new post 'My Awesome Post', create the translation as octopress new post 'My Awesome Post pt'. You can edit the post title manually after this, we're just interested in that -pt in the end of the file name.

  • once you've created your original post and its translations, create the link between the translated posts:

$ octopress id _posts/my_awesome_post.markdown _posts/my_awesome_post-pt.markdown [other posts...]

Deploying to production

  1. Create a .env file in the root folder of your project with the following contents:
S3_ID: <Your AWS Access Key ID>
S3_SECRET: <Your AWS Secret Access Key>
  1. Run npm run deploy