
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Variation Deficiency Bottleneck

(Unofficial) implemenation of Banerjee and Montúfar (2020), Variational Deficiency Bottleneck, IJCNN 2020


Please run pip install -r requirements.txt for installing all depedencies.

Project Structures

Training CLI

train.py provides the training CLI. Below is its usage:

train.py  [--epoch=<epoch> --beta=<beta> -M=<M> --lr=<lr>] --strategy=<strategy> --dataset=<dataset> <model>

  -h --help                   Show this screen.
  --dataset=<dataset>         One from {mnist, fashion_mnist, cifar10} [default: mnist]
  --beta=<beta>               Value of β [default: 0.001]
  -M=<M>                      Value of M [default: 1]
  --lr=<lr>                   Learning rate [default: 0.001]
  --epoch=<epoch>             Number of epochs [default: 10]
  --strategy=<strategy>       Optimizaton strategy. See README.md for more details.
  --output-dir=<output-dir>   [default: ./artifacts]
  --class-loss=<class-loss>   Class loss {vdb, vib} [default: vdb]
  --cov-type=<cov-type>       Type of covariance {diag, full} [default: diag]
  --batch-size=<batch-size>   Batch size [default: 100]


python train.py --epoch 5 \
 --strategy="algo1/d:10|e:1" \
 --dataset cifar10 \
 -M 1 \
 --class-los vdb \
 --cov-type full \
 --batch-size 256 \
 --lr 0.0001 \

Running Unit tests

pytest tests.py

Note: Currently, we just have a test for verifying results of the class loss from TF1 and TF2 implementations.

Core Modules

  • nets/* contains the details of our models, i.e. how its architecture and computation look like. These architectures include
    • base: abstract architecture.
    • mlp: 2-layer MLP, based on what described in the VIB paper.
      • Usage: mlp/e1:24|e2:24|z:20 (20 latent dimensions)
    • resnet20:
      • Usage: resnet20/z:2 (2 latent dimensions)
  • losses.py contains the IB loss function and the implementations of optimization strategies:
    • oneshot
    • sequential
  • datasets.py provides a function to get any dataset from Keras based on name. Datasets we have include MNIST, FashionMNIST, and CIFAR10.

Utility Modules

  • plot_helper.py
  • tfutils.py
  • utils.py

Analysis Scripts

Analyssis scripts locate in ./scripts/*-analysis.py. These scripts load trained models and perform analysis accordingly. Results of the analysises are saved to files, which are loaded and visualized in Jupyter notebooks.

Script Name Applicable Models Remark
cifar10c CIFAR10 Required CIFAR10-C to be at ./datasets/CIFAR-10-C
mnistc MNIST Required MNIST-C to be at ./datasets/mnist_c
salt pepper noise MNIST, FashionMNIST

In general, these scripts take models from a path specified by the user. Wildcard can be used in this path. Please use -h option for further details of each command.


Running the command below will take models from the directory and compute CIFAR10-C accuracies accordingly.

./pyrun.sh ./scripts/cifar10c-analysis.py "./artifacts/experiment-robustness-cifar10-beta03/*/*"

Experiment Artifacts

Each experiment is assigned with a unique name:


During training, we collect metrics to TensorBoard under log directory. These metrics include:

  • loss
  • accuracy
  • I(X; Z) Bound (or something similar)
  • I(Y; Z) Bound

When the bottleneck dimensions is 2, we also plot the latent representation for 1000 test samples to TensorBoard.

We also save the details of each experiment in summary.yml.
