Unmaintained, doesn’t work.
Since Github API changes. Thanks for stopping by!
is a simple bash shell script for getting/posting code snippets (gists) from/to http://gist.github.com
$ curl https://raw.github.com/gmarik/gist.sh/master/gist.sh > gist.sh && chmod 755 gist.sh && sudo mv gist.sh /usr/local/bin/
- Posting to GitHub from standard input:
$ cat file | gist.sh $ gist.sh < file
or from a file:
$ gist.sh -f file
or from the clipboard (xclip must be available)
$ gist.sh -c
When posting from a file using -f, github will guess the language from the filename extension.
When posting from standard input or the clipboard, you may pass -e to set an extension, from which github assigns the gist language:
$ gist.sh -e java < file $ gist.sh -e java -c
- Getting from GitHub:
$ gist.sh 1234
or to write the gist to a file
$ gist.sh -f file 1234
or to write the gist to the clipboard (xclip must be available)
$ gist.sh -c 1234
- Cloning a gist from GitHub:
$ gist.sh -l 1234
or to clone using the private clone URL to support local update and push (this requires the gist to have been created with authentication):
$ gist.sh -p -l 1234
- Use the -d (debug) parameter to show the curl command that would be executed to post or receive a gist rather than actually communicating with github.
- Gists are public by default. Pass -p or —private to make a gist private.
- If your git config contains github.user and github.token (see https://github.com/account), they will be used to assign yourself as owner of the posted gist. Use the -a or —anon parameter to post anonymously.