
Small project for improving coding challenge preparation in VS Code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coder Prep

This is just a small project I created to augment interview preparation. LeetCode is definitely helpful, but talking to someone as you solve the problem is also part of the challenge. CoderPad lets you do this, but why do it in a browser when you can do it right in VS Code?

VS Code has a Live Share extension that allows your mock interviewer to join you in your VS Code environment, combined with voice-call software this should be helpful for training communication skills and the ability to think and code out loud.

This project makes it easy to bootstrap a problem with its testcases, this allows you to quickly check your solution with your mock interviewer.


$ chmod u+x create to make the bash script executable

$ ./create to create a new problem

The newly created problem will be inside ./challenges folder

Feel free to check out ./challenges/example.js to see what it might look like.

To execute a solved challenge, you would go inside ./challenges folder, and run

$ node <insert-challenge-name>

Example Output:

$ node example
Passed Testcase 1:
        1, 1
Passed Testcase 2:
        -1, 1
Passed Testcase 3:
        12345, 54321