Deploy Google Cloud Run Service Action

inbound-build event-store-build

A Github Action that synchronizes the contents of a gopass repository to the Google Cloud Secret Manager.

gopass to Secret Manager sync

gopass repository looking like

# gopass list
├── my-service
│   ├── mySecret
│   └── yourSecret
└── other-secret
    ├── theSecret
    └── aSecret

becomes the following Secret Manager structure:

# gcloud secrets list
NAME                      CREATED              REPLICATION_POLICY  LOCATIONS
my-service_mySecret     2020-09-26T20:53:06  user_managed        europe-west3
my-service_yourSecret   2020-09-26T22:08:37  user_managed        europe-west3
other-secret_theSecret  2020-09-26T22:08:39  user_managed        europe-west3
other-secret_aSecret    2020-09-26T19:11:09  user_managed        europe-west3

Since Secret Manager keys need to match GCP resource id restrictions all slashes (/) in gopass are mapped to underscores (_).

gopass secret history

Every history entry of a gopass secret:

# gopass history my-service/mySecret
6751b67b7a17f372478c9feda7357a28c65da407 - heubeck <> - 2020-09-27T00:10:27+02:00 - Save secret to my-service/mySecret:
afdd4fdef1ce37935110028923182454c4d76059 - heubeck <> - 2020-09-26T22:16:48+02:00 - Save secret to my-service/mySecret:
2651a49d85621ca89746d404b8f8f940ec218133 - heubeck <> - 2020-09-26T18:54:35+02:00 - Save secret to my-service/mySecret:
497256fc7f5556b233a805fe0bc54929ba645792 - heubeck <> - 2020-09-26T17:58:51+02:00 - Save secret to my-service/mySecret:

will become a separate version of the Secret Managers secrets:

# gcloud secrets versions list my-service_mySecret
4     enabled  2020-09-26T22:11:23  -
3     enabled  2020-09-26T22:08:44  -
2     enabled  2020-09-26T22:08:42  -
1     enabled  2020-09-26T22:08:40  -

The first history entry will be version 1, the latest entry becomes the highest version.



Parameter Description Default Required Reference
project_id GCP project ID true gcloud
service_account_key Base64 encoded JSON key for GCP service account with the "Secret Manager Admin" role granted true gcloud auth
secret_locations GCP locations(s) as comma separated list to replicate the secrets true gcloud secrets create
gpg_public_key Base64 encoded public part of the GPG key true see below
gpg_private_key Base64 encoded private part of the GPG key true see below
github_token Token for the repo. Can be passed in using ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} true
gopass_repository gopass repository to synchronize from current repo false
debug Whether the gcloud commands should be printed to output false false


Public part of the GPG key used by this action to access the gopass repository. The value for this parameter can be created as follows:

# export to file
gpg --output public_key.gpg --armor --export E3C201F1FC162517237EB68F614A1B46F0583426
# create a one line base64 from file
cat public_key.gpg | base64 -w 0


Private part of the GPG key used by this action to access the gopass repository. The value for this parameter can be created as follows:

# export to file
gpg --output private_key.gpg --armor --export-secret-key E3C201F1FC162517237EB68F614A1B46F0583426
# create a one line base64 from file
cat private_key.gpg | base64 -w 0


Parameter Description Example
log Text output about the created/updated secrets my-service/mySecret(my-service_mySecret) created; other-service/theSecret(other-service_theSecret) updated to 2;


The recommended way of use is to create a .github/workflows/sync.yml job description like the following in the gopass repository:

name: Synchronize
on: push

    name: Synchronize to Google Secret Manager
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: gopass Synchronize
        uses: p1nkun1c0rns/gopass-google-secret-manager-action@master
          service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY }}
          project_id: your-gcp-project-id
          secret_locations: europe-west3
          gpg_public_key: ${{ secrets.GPG_PUBLIC_KEY }}
          gpg_private_key: ${{ secrets.GPG_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Every change in the gopass repository will be immediately synchronized to the GCP Secret Manager, gopass will keep the .github folder, you can use it as usual.

Prebuild latest image

Instead of using the latest (@master) or a tagged version there's always a prebuild image in the action branch:

  - name: gopass Synchronize
    uses: p1nkun1c0rns/gopass-google-secret-manager-action@action



Open topics

Right now, the sync is unidirectional and append only. That means, that new gopass history entries are added as new secret versions and missing secrets are created, but removed gopass entries will be deleted in secret manager.

Furthermore, there's no back-sync to the gopass repository, neither about which secrets were created/updated in Secret Manager nor are manual changes in the Secret Manager corrected by the next sync from gopass.