Bulk convert VTF files to PNG
How to use:
Firstly, download and extract gcfscape: https://nemstools.github.io/files/gcfscape186.zip
Run it and load your VPK file. E.G. "hl2_textures_dir". Right click the "materials" folder and extract to a destination anywhere called "materials". E.G. "C:\VTFs\materials"
Secondly, download vtex2 from this repo: https://github.com/StrataSource/vtex2/releases/tag/v0.1.1
Copy and paste vtex2.exe to any destination. E.G. "C:\VTFs"
Lastly, run HL2TextureExtraction.exe and set the folders directories accordingly, then click Start.
The program will execute and may take a while (~10-20 minutes per 5000 vtfs). A message will appear once successfully converted.
The PNG files are stored in a folder called "images" in the same directory as the VTF's.