
This repository's goal is to precompile all past presentations of the Huggingface reading group

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Hugginface Reading Group

Welcome to the Huggingface Reading Group! The goal of this group is to have a weekly presentation on research papers/groups of papers. The goal of this repository is to compile all the past presentation write-ups and recordings.

Brief History

This group was started by Huggingface community member James Kelly on 09/26/2023. In the beginning, we "presented" via a summary of papers in discord threads but we started 1/12/2024 to do presentations in discord calls thanks to Phil Butler. The presentations, in general, are targetted for the general audience on the subject of Generative Models but no research papers are off limits.

0: Ambiguity-Aware In-Context Learning with Large Language Models(Presented on 9/27/2023)

Presenter: James Kelly

Paper: Ambiguity-Aware In-Context Learning with Large Language Models

Discord Thread

1: Controlling Neural Networks with Rule Representations(Presented on 10/05/2023)

Presenter: James Kelly

Paper: Controlling Neural Networks with Rule Representations (NeurIPs, 2021)


Discord Thread

2: Understanding Instaflow/Rectified Flow(Presented on 10/11/2023)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Paper: InstaFlow: One Step is Enough for High-Quality Diffusion-Based Text-to-Image Generation

Write up

Discord Thread

3: Mysteries of Text Embeddings(Presented on 10/19/2023)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Papers: Text Embeddings Reveal (Almost) As Much As Text+NEFTune: Noisy Embeddings Improve Instruction Finetuning

Discord Thread

4: Training Image Derivatives: Increased Accuracy and Universal Robustness(Presented on 11/08/2023)

Presenter: Vsevolod I. Avrutskiy

Paper: Training Image Derivatives: Increased Accuracy and Universal Robustness

Discord Thread

5: Understanding Zephyr(Presented on 11/16/2023)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Paper: Zephyr: Direct Distillation of LM Alignment

Write up

Discord Thread

6: Literature Review on RAG(Retrieval Augmented Generation) for Custom Domains(Presented on 11/29/2023)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Papers: Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks + Improving the Domain Adaptation of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Models for Open Domain Question Answering + RA-DIT: Retrieval-Augmented Dual Instruction Tuning

Write up

Discord Thread

7: Understanding MagVIT2: Language Model Beats Diffusion: Tokenizer is key to visual generation(Presented on 12/13/2023)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Paper: Language Model Beats Diffusion -- Tokenizer is Key to Visual Generation

Write up

Discord Thread

8: Understanding Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed(Presented on 12/21/2023)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Paper: Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed

Write up

Discord Thread

9: The Tyranny of Possibilities in the Design of Task-Oriented LLM Systems: A Scoping Survey(Presented on 1/5/2024)

Presenter: Dhruv Dhamani

Paper: The Tyranny of Possibilities in the Design of Task-Oriented LLM Systems: A Scoping Survey

Discord Thread

10: Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation(Presented on 1/12/2024)

Presenter: Phil Butler

Paper: Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation

Write up

Unfortunately, no recordings but a coauthors came.

11: Literature Review on AI in Law(Presented on 2/2/2024)

Presenter: Isamu Isozaki

Papers: On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in non-monotonic reasoning, logic programming, and n-person games+An Answer Set Programming Approach to Argumentative Reasoning in the ASPIC+ Framework+HYPO’s legacy: introduction to the virtual special issue+Induction of Defeasible Logic Theories in the Legal Domain+Pile of Law: Learning Responsible Data Filtering from the Law and a 256GB Open-Source Legal Dataset+Large Language Models in Law: A Survey+The Smart Court - A New Pathway to Justice in China?

Write up
