An assortment of files and projects orbiting my learning of web3 technologies.
- Baby blockchain: A rudimentary proof-of-work blockchain built using javascript (specifically express framework)
- Example sol contracts: A repo of solidity contracts from various sources for the sake of studying
- learn-web-3-projects: A place to store my progress in following along with the curriculum
- web3 roadmap: Literally an editable image file (use used to keep track of progress and put things into greater context. (Deprecated)
- A more comprehensive third party roadmap someone's already put together, switching to this!
- CryptoDevHub
- A curated list of blockchain resources, tools, and communities
- DappUniversity
- A structured approach to learning Web3 technologies (some free, some paid)
- Awesome web3 resources
- A curated list of more resources
- A curiculum based aproach to learning web technologies (free!)
- Youtube course: Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript
- A 32 hour course presented by Free Code Camp
- Code and curiculum
- OpenSea Docs
- Provides instructions on how to mint NFT contracts to be compatible with OpenSea
- Solidity by example
- Solidity smart contract tutorials from beginner to advanced.