
A wireless version of the AE2 Fluid Terminal with infinite range capabilities (akin to Wireless Crafting Terminal)

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Wireless Fluid Terminal (Beta)

Table of Contents


An OP addon to an already OP mod =] Adds a Wireless Terminal version of the AE2 Fluid Terminal with infinite range functionality + other features!

Currently in BETA! I need testers! Drop me a line on Discord or Twitter



I'm a huge fan of Open Source software as well as helping people learn. As far as licensing, do what you want. Claim it as your own if you so wish. I don't care =D If you become popular/rich/get a hot wife due to claiming that you made my mod, I'm just glad I could help make another person's life better in some way.



You install this mod by putting it into the minecraft/mods/ folder. It requires that AE2 RV3 Beta (any build) also be installed.

Issues/Feature Requests

  • Post 'em in the issues section. =D

Providing as many details as possible does help us to find and resolve the issue faster and also you getting a fixed version as fast as possible.


  1. Clone this repository via
  • SSH git clone git@github.com:p455w0rd/WirelessFluidTerminal.git or
  • HTTPS git clone https://github.com/p455w0rd/WirelessFluidTerminal.git
  1. Setup workspace
  • Decompiled source gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
  • Obfuscated source gradlew setupDevWorkspace
  • CI server gradlew setupCIWorkspace
  1. Build gradlew build. Jar will be in build/libs


  • Fork -> Edit -> PR

If you are only doing single file pull requests, GitHub supports using a quick way without the need of cloning your fork. Also read up about synching if you plan to contribute on regular basis.

Wireless Fluid Terminal API

Wireless Fluid Terminal

To make your item a Wireless Fluid Terminal variant, register like normal with AE2 and implement p455w0rd.wft.api.IWirelessFluidTerminalItem

To open the WCT Gui from said item, use WCTApi.instance().openWirelessFluidTerminalGui(EntityPlayer player);

WFT Configs

Configs have been moved to AE2WTLib


When compiling against the WFT API you can use gradle dependencies, just add

repositories {
	maven {
		name = "covers Maven"
		url = "http://maven.covers1624.net"

dependencies {
	deobfCompile "p455w0rd:WirelessFluidTerminal:<MC_VERSION>-<MOD_VERSION>"
    compile "p455w0rd:WirelessFluidTerminal:<MC_VERSION>-<MOD_VERSION>:api"

or add the compile line to your existing dependencies task to your build.gradle

An example string would be p455w0rd:WirelessFluidTerminal:1.12.2-3.10.77:api for the API only or p455w0rd:WirelessFluidTerminal:1.12.2-3.10.77 for the whole mod.

Wireless Fluid Terminal Localization

English Text

en_us is included in this repository, fixes to typos are welcome.


Files must be encoded as UTF-8.

New Translations

I would love for someone to do translations for me =]