
High level bindings for the Microsoft's Z3 SMT solver.

Primary LanguageRust

High level interface to the Z3 SMT solver. Currently, only support for boolean logic is implemented. It is therefore usable only as a SAT solver. We have not yet considered thread safety or reasonable behaviour if multiple contexts are used at once.

use z3::Stage;

// Start to use Z3.
let mut ctx = z3::Context::new();

// Create a variable.
let foo = ctx.var_from_string("foo");

// Add it to the solver.

    // Push Z3 solver's stack.
    let mut p = ctx.push();

    // A basic example of combining formulae.
    let foo_and_not_foo = p.and(vec![foo.inherit(), p.not(foo)]);

    // No way to satisfy foo && !foo.

} // Pop Z3 solver's stack.
