Prime checker API

What is this?

This is a backend REST API for testing if a number or a sum of numbers is prime or not. Nothing fancy. Made with ❤ in Windows 10.

What are you trying to achieve with these?

To land a job. I'm serious.

Okay, so how do I run this?

If you know what this repo is about before reading the paragraphs above, please follow these steps if you really need.


  • Node.js
    • LTS version is a good one with this.

1. Clone a repo

Not really worth listing this here, but I want to be precise with my steps.

2. npm install

Let there be dependencies.

3. Run the project!

For PowerShell (Recommended, but no matter):

PS> $env:DEBUG='myapp:*'; npm start

For Mac or Linux users:

$ DEBUG=myapp:* npm start

For Windows command prompt:

> set DEBUG=myapp:* & npm start

4. The server is up.

It's in localhost:3001

5. (Optional) Head into frontend project and follow more steps

It's fun. Click here

How would you host this in Azure?

It's a very straightforward process. I would follow these steps: