MultiFenix-L(ong Context)


MultiFenix-L is an Advanced AI Assistant capable of a wide range of tasks such as reading and writing files, creating directories, listing files, and much more. It is designed to carry out user instructions one step at a time until all steps are completed, after which it returns a confirmation message. Inspired by EchoHive's AutoAGI and parth's FenixAGI running a basic multi-agent system on GPT-4. This variant can use Killian Lucas's Open Interpreter, and features a significantly longer context window, as it defaults to GPT-4-0125-preview, also known as GPT-4-turbo.

Main Components

  • Entry point to the application. It provides an interface to interact with the user, manage user input and messages, and maintains the GPT session.


  • Contains the definitions of the actions performed by the AI assistant.
  • Maps function names to their actual implementations.
  • Manages the interaction with OpenAI's GPT models.
  • Handles the management and storage of messages within a session.
  • Processes and handles user input.
  • Handles any voice interactions if they are part of this project.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • pip package manager


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd MultiFenix-L
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: MacOS has issues with PyAudio, so ask ChatGPT how to get that installed.

API Key Setup

Fenix uses three API keys for its functionality. Follow the instructions below to set up the required API keys:

  • Bing API Key:

    • Obtain a Bing API Key from the Microsoft Azure portal.
    • Set the obtained API Key as the BING_API_KEY environment variable.
  • OpenAI API Key:

    • Sign up for an account on the OpenAI website.
    • Generate an API Key from the API section of your OpenAI account.
    • Set the generated API Key as the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.


  1. Run Fenix:

Available Tasks:

Fenix A.G.I is capable of performing a variety of tasks including but not limited to:

  • Reading and writing files
  • Creating directories
  • Listing files in a directory
  • Interacting with code interpreter
  • Initiating multiple instances of Fenix A.G.I
  • Utilizing swarm GPT for task completion

These tasks are initiated either by a direct request from you, or as a part of the process to fulfill a broader instruction.

Open Interpreter:

Fenix A.G.I is capable of interacting with Open Interpreter to perform coding related tasks. This function is only activated if you (the user) specifically request it.

Initiating Instances of Fenix A.G.I:

Fenix A.G.I can start new instances of itself on your request. This may be necessary for larger tasks where separate processes might be beneficial.

Swarm GPT:

Fenix A.G.I can utilize Swarm GPT to complete a task. This function is only activated if you (the user) specifically request it.

This project is a WIP. Expect bugs.