A nutrition based React app where you can find delicious food to fit your lifestyle.
- Mongoose - Mongo database ORM
- SASS - CSS preprocessor
- Gulp - Javascript tasks automation
- WebPack - Asset pipeline
Note: For a detailed list of the toolsets used in gabru, please refer to package.json.
Let's take a tour of the app.
| -- app
| |-- components // Components are organised by module names
| |
| |-- data // Json data for the recipes
| |
| |-- index.jsx // Root file for React components
|-- assets // Contains all static resources
| |-- fonts // Fonts used in application
| |-- images // Images used in application
| |-- misc // Misc resources used in application
| |-- styles // All SASS stylesheets
| | |-- <module_name> // Styles are organised by module names.
|-- config // Contains all app configurations
| |-- assets.js // Assets configuration file
|-- tasks // Contains all gulp tasks
|-- gulpfile.js // Gulp entry file
|-- index.html // Application starting point
|-- package.js // Package configuration file
- Install
- Run these commands
# Install deps
$ npm install
# > gulp
# [16:48:55] Using gulpfile ~/Batcave/Workspace/ronin/Dev/jolly/gulpfile.js
# [16:48:55] Starting 'fonts'...
# [16:48:56] Starting 'images'...
# [16:48:56] Starting 'misc'...
# [16:48:56] Starting 'styles'...
# [16:48:56] Finished 'styles' after 5.49 ms
# [16:48:56] Starting 'webpack:dev-server'...
# [16:48:56] Starting 'lint'...
# [16:48:56] Starting 'webpack:dev-build'...
# [16:48:56] Finished 'webpack:dev-build' after 9.42 ms
# [16:48:56] Finished 'fonts'...
# [16:48:56] Finished 'misc' after 223 ms
# [16:48:56] [webpack-dev-server] http://localhost:8000/webpack-dev-server/index.html
# [16:48:56] Finished 'lint' after 3.87 s
# [16:48:56] Finished 'images' after 4.83 s
# [16:48:56] Starting 'dev-build'...
# [16:48:56] Finished 'dev-build' after 4.23 μs
# [16:48:56] Starting 'watch'...
# [16:48:56] Finished 'watch' after 19 ms
Hash: a8734ec9bb9545da8ddc
Version: webpack 1.14.0
Time: 9845ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
app.bundle.js 979 kB 0 [emitted] app
vendor.js 282 kB 1 [emitted] vendor
app.bundle.js.map 1.16 MB 0 [emitted] app
vendor.js.map 355 kB 1 [emitted] vendor
webpack: bundle is now VALID.
[22:08:00] [webpack:build-dev] Hash: a8734ec9bb9545da8ddc
Version: webpack 1.14.0
Time: 10362ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
app.bundle.js 979 kB 0 [emitted] app
vendor.js 282 kB 1 [emitted] vendor
app.bundle.js.map 1.16 MB 0 [emitted] app
vendor.js.map 355 kB 1 [emitted] vendor
The server should be running at localhost:8000.