
JoJo's Bizarre webhook handler: Josuke is a tiny Github/Bitbucket post treatment tool

Primary LanguageGo

JoJo's Bizarre webhook handler

ゴゴゴゴゴゴ !

Josuke is a tiny CI/deployment tool that reacts on Github/Bitbucket webhook's payload.

Josuke is a simple guy, 3 things and he's happy:

  • Write a JSON config file
  • Run Josuke and feed him your config
  • Go to Github/Bitbucket and set webhooks routes as specified in your config

Writing a json config file is required.

Config file path must be given using the -c flag (josuke -c /path/to/config.json).

Example of a classic config.json:

    "github_hook": "/josuke/github",
    "bitbucket_hook": "/josuke/bitbucket",
    "port": 8082,
            "repo": "monkeydioude/donut",
            "proj_dir": "donut",
            "base_dir": "/var/www",
                    "branch" :"master",
                            "action": "push",
                            "commands": [
                                ["cd", "%base_dir%"],
                                ["git", "clone", "%html_url%"],
                                ["cd", "%proj_dir%"],
                                ["git", "pull", "--rebase"],

Keys definition

  • github_hook: route Josuke will be receiving Github's payload. Must be specified in Github Webhooks' parameters
  • bitbucket_hook: route Josuke will be receiving Bitbuckets's payload. Must be specified in Bitbuckets Webhooks' parameters
  • port: port Josuke will listen to
  • deployment: array of objects defining deployments repository rules Josuke should follow.

These repository rules objects are defined as such:

  • repo: name of your repository in the repository universe. No need to specify the whole only the username and repository name is required (ex: monkeydioude/josuke)
  • branches: is an array of objects defining the branche behavior towards specified branches.
  • base_dir: OPTIONAL Allow you to set what should be a base directory usable at commands definition level (ex: /var/projects/sources)
  • proj_dir: OPTIONAL Allow you to set what should be a project directory (or name) usable at commands definition level

branch behaviors objects are defined as such:

  • branch: behavior toward a specific branch
  • actions: is an array of objects defining the behavior towards specific actions.

actions objects are defined as such:

  • action: is the kind of action sent by the payload, that has been taken toward the source branch (ex: push on a branch, merge a branch with the source branch...)
  • commands: is an array of objects defining the series of commands Josuke should trigger for this action

commands is an array of array of strings that should contain commands to be executed when an action is triggered. 1st index of the array must be the command name. Every following index should be args of the command:

        ["cd", "%base_dir%"],
        ["git", "clone", "%html_url%"],
        ["cd", "%proj_dir%"],
        ["git", "pull", "--rebase"],

You can use these 3 Keywords at commands level

  • %base_dir%: referring to "base_dir" set in config, must be defined by base_dir of each deployment
  • %proj_dir%: referring to "proj_dir" set in config, must be defined by proj_dir of each deployment
  • %html_url%: retrieved from github/bitbucket's payload informations, html url of your repo


  • Tests
  • Docker image for testing/building
  • Makefile for all of this
  • Go1.11 Module compliancy