Telegram Bot that receive an LaTeX equation and uses LaTeX2IMG to send a sticker.
This is developed with pyTelegramBotAPI using the listener mechanism. My bot is @LaTeX2IMGbot but you can create your own one =).
You need to install previously libwebp, Pillow and pyTelegramBotAPI. It's very important you get libwebp BEFORE pillow. You can get them using your package manager or using pip.
In Archlinux
# pacman -S libwebp python-pillow
In Debian-based distros
# apt-get install libwebp2 libwebp-dev
Using pip
# pip install Pillow
# pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
- Create a bot with the BotFather Telegram Bot
- Write the token in token.txt file
- Execute the bot in your server with
- In the Telegram client you can talk with your bot or add them to groups. All messages beggining with /latex or @aliasofyourbot will be catched by your bot.
Enjoy it!