
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of "Composing Good Shots by Exploiting Mutual Relations"

Primary LanguagePython


This is an unofficial PyTorch implementation of Composing Good Shots by Exploiting Mutual Relations.



#Metric SRCC↑ Acc5↑ Acc10↑
Paper 0.795 59.7 77.8
This code (best SRCC) 0.790 57.8 74.6
This code (best Acc) 0.779 59.5 77.3

I set the probability of mixing graph as 0.3 druing training, and scale the elements of adjacency matrix by the number of crops to produce more stable score prediction.


#Metric IoU↑ BDE↓
Paper 0.836 0.039
This code 0.811 0.044

Datasets Preparation

Download&Unzip these datasets, palce them like this:

  ├── GAICD
  │   └── images
  │   │    ├── image1.jpg
  │   │    └── image2.jpg
  │   └── annotations 
  │           ├── image1.txt
  │           └── image2.txt
  └── FLMS
      └── image
      │    ├── image1.jpg
      │    └── image2.jpg
      └── 500_image_dataset.mat 


  • PyTorch>=1.0

You can install packages using pip according to requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  # clone this repository
  git clone https://github.com/bo-zhang-cs/CGS-Pytorch.git
  cd CGS-Pytorch

Change the default dataset folder in config.py and you can check the paths by running cropping_dataset.py.

Install RoIAlign and RoDAlign

The source code of RoI&RoDAlign is from [here] compatible with PyTorch 1.0 or later. If you use Pytorch 0.4.1, please refer to [official implementation].

  1. Change the CUDA_HOME and -arch=sm_86 in roi_align/make.sh and rod_align/make.sh according to your enviroment, respectively.
  2. If you run this code in linux envoriment, make sure these bash files (make_all.sh, roi_align/make.sh, rod_align/make.sh) are Unix text file format by runing :set ff=unix in VIM.
  3. cd CGS-Pytorch && sudo bash make_all.sh to build and install the packages.


Download pretrained models (~75MB, ZIP format file) from [Google Drive] and unzip to the folder CGS-Pytorch/pretrained_model.

python test.py

This will produce a folder results where you can find the predicted best crops.


python train.py

Track training process:

tensorboard --logdir=./experiments --bind_all

The model performance for each epoch is also recorded in .csv file under the produced folder ./experiments.


  title={Composing good shots by exploiting mutual relations},
  author={Li, Debang and Zhang, Junge and Huang, Kaiqi and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
  title={Reliable and efficient image cropping: A grid anchor based approach},
  author={Zeng, Hui and Li, Lida and Cao, Zisheng and Zhang, Lei},

More references about image cropping

Awesome Image Aesthetic Assessment and Cropping


Thanks to [GAIC] and [GAIC-Pytorch1.0+].