package contains an implementation for OAuth 2.0 PKCE spec, IETF RFC 7636.
go get github.com/grokify/go-pkce
Or you can manually git clone the repository to
$(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/grokify/go-pkce
func main() {
// Create a code_verifier with default 32 byte length.
codeVerifier := pkce.NewCodeVerifier()
// Create a code_verifier with a custom length (32-96 bytes)
codeVerifier, err := pkce.NewCodeVerifierWithLength(96)
// Create a code_challenge using `S256`
codeChallenge := pkce.CodeChallengeS256(codeVerifier)
func main() {
// Create a code_verifier with default 32 byte length.
codeVerifier := pkce.NewCodeVerifier()
// Create a code_challenge using `S256`
codeChallenge := pkce.CodeChallengeS256(codeVerifier)
// Create authorization_code URL using `oauth2.Config`
authURL := oauth2Config.AuthCodeURL(
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(pkce.ParamCodeChallenge, codeChallenge),
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(pkce.ParamCodeChallengeMethod, pkce.MethodS256))
// ... retrieve authorization_code ...
// Exchange the authorization_code for a token with PKCE.
token, err := oauth2Config.Exchange(
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(pkce.ParamCodeVerifier, codeVerifier),
: appears to be abandoned (last update Aug 19, 2017, 4+ years ago), usesmath/rand
, no Go Modules support, no CI/CD, more complicated than necessary.