Download package from here:
[Download] (
this will fail if dependencies are missing:
dpkg -i systeminfo_1.5.3-0ubuntu0.trusty_all.deb
then run, this will install dependencies:
apt-get install -f
and then again:
dpkg -i systeminfo_1.5.3-0ubuntu0.trusty_all.deb
or from launchpad repo:
add-apt-repository ppa:pavol-ipoth/systeminfo
apt-get update
apt-get install systeminfo
this will install package and it's dependencies:
yum install systeminfo-1.5-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
git clone
cd systeminfo
our installation folder will be: /opt/systeminfo
edit config module: systeminfo/misc/ set variables in that file:
cacheDir = '/var/cache/systeminfo/'
confDir = '/opt/systeminfo/etc/'
viewDir = '/opt/systeminfo/view/'
Install dependencies:
- python modules: * dmidecode * argparse * gudev * dbus * jinja2
- other: * hwdata
and then you can run this step by step or as a script:
python build
install -d $DEST_DIR
install -d $DEST_ETC
install -d $DEST_CACHE
install -d $DEST_MAN
install -d $DEST_DOCS
install -d $DEST_VIEW
python install
cp -pR settings/* $DEST_ETC
cp -pR view/* $DEST_VIEW
install -pm 0755 ${PROGRAM}.py $DEST_DIR/${PROGRAM}
install -pm 0644 man/${PROGRAM}.8 $DEST_MAN
install -pm 0644 LICENSE $DEST_DOCS
install -pm 0644 $DEST_DOCS
Simple utility for gathering hardware summary information
systeminfo - utility for displaying hardware information
systeminfo --get asset_type [--p|--l|--j|--d identifier] [--c]
systeminfo is utility for getting hardware information it aims
to be simple and provide output in well formatted output
can be one of these types: system, cpu, memory, disk, pci, fcms, tape, eth
--l, --long
specifies to display long output
--p, --parsable
specifies to display parsable output
--j, --json
specifies to display output in json
--d, --detail identifier
specifies to display detail, requires identifier
column which you should use as identifier is marked in column header with asterisk
--c, --cached
use cache to get data, should be faster, but doesn't generate fresh data
This gets information about system in short format:
systeminfo --get system
This gets information about disks in long format:
systeminfo --get disk --l
systeminfo --get disk --long
This gets information about fcms HBA's in parsable format:
systeminfo --get fcms --p
This gets information about memory in json format:
systeminfo --get memory --j
This get detail about disk device:
systeminfo --get disk --detail 24:0:2:0
This refreshes cache info about disks:
systeminfo --get disk
systeminfo --get disk --l
systeminfo --get disk --p
This doesn't refresh cache:
(gets fresh data but doesn't update cache)
systeminfo --get disk --detail 24:0:2:0
or (these two examples get data from cache)
systeminfo --get disk --detail 24:0:2:0 --c
systeminfo --get disk --c
systeminfo --get disk --l --c
This utility should be run with root priveleges
Utility works with python 2.7=<, doesn't work with python3 yet
Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Pavol Ipoth
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see