This module aims to provide an easy interface to Devel::Declare. 

SQL.pm - execute select statements in perl
Methods.pm - usual method signature 

* add support for multiple keywords per module
* remove globals
* write pod for Keyword::Declare
* cleanup parser construction (check if code exists etc)
* write default action to return whatever the parse routine matched
* add pre and post block hooks with shadow { setup_stuff() ;exec_block(); do_stuff; return $ret}
* alter sig syntax to (see MXD code) 
	keyword method (Maybe[Ident] $ident, Maybe[Proto] $proto, Block $block) {

* find usescases from: http://cpants.perl.org/dist/used_by/Devel-Declare
* and go through perl's -existing- keywords print $fh "sddfsd". $f, $c etc
* look at ... metalua ... and common lisp reader macros.
* long term goal, a hints file describing syntax to be shared with ppi / vim etc

# parse an action routines called for each entry in proto
keyword method (ident?, proto?, custom, block) {
	$block->name($ident); # name the block
	$block->inject_begin($proto); # inject at begin of block
	$block->inject_after("warn '$ident() finished';");
	$block->terminate; # add semi colon

parse custom ($parser) {
	if (my $len = $parser->scan_word(1)) {
		my $l = $parser->line;
		my $ident = substr($l, $parser->offset, $len);
		substr($l, $parser->offset, $len) = '';
		return $ident if $ident =~ /^[a-z]{1}\w+$/i;
	else {
		die "unable to match blah";

# passed whatever the parse routine matches
action proto ($match) {
	my $match;
	return $code;