
Some utilities for manage your own TFSA records, in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Some utilities to try and make it easier to keep your own TFSA records. Read LICENSE before using.

To use this:

  1. Go to the CRA website and open the TFSA transaction summary (include all years).
  2. Audit the scraping script yourself, and then run it in the console.
  3. Copy the JSON output and save it somewhere.
  4. See API documentation below.



A class to represent an amount of money. Dollars and cents are stored together as an integer to (try to) avoid the imprecision of floating point values.

Amount.__init__(self, dollars=0, cents=0)


Amount.__add__(self, other: Union[Literal[0], Amount])

Add two amounts together. It also handles an other value of 0 so that you can pass an iterable of Amount objects to sum.

Amount.__sub__(self, other: Amount)



Get a text representation of the Amount, like $123.45.

Amount.from_json(cls, dct)

Create an Amount instance from a dictionary like {"dollars": 0, "cents": 0}.


This is a class to store one entry of CRA's transaction summary. It has an attribute for the date, the type ("contribution" or "withdrawal"), and the amount.

There is a from_json classmethod to create an instance from a dictionary.


This class represents the summation of a sequence of Transaction objects. It has a contributions attribute and a withdrawals attribute, both of which are Amount objects, and represent the summation of all Transaction objects of their respective types.


Objects of this type represent CRA's transaction summary. There is a transactions attribute, which is a list of Transaction objects.


A list of Amount objects for all the Transaction objects that are contributions.


A list of Amount objects for all the Transaction objects that are withdrawals.


This class represents a TFSA I guess. It stores a date of birth and a TransactionHistory object, and implements several useful calculations.

TFSA.__init__(self, date_of_birth, transaction_history)

Make a new TFSA object. date_of_birth should be a string suitable for passing to date.fromisoformat and transaction_history should be a TransactionHistory object.


Given a year greater than or equal to 2009 and less than or equal to 2021, gets the dollar limit for that year.


Returns tuples of (year, dollar_limit) for each year where the user had some contribution room (i.e. from the year they turned 18 or from 2009, which ever is greater).


The sum of the dollar limits returned by yearly_gross_contribution_room.

TFSA.contribution_room(self, year)

Given a year, returns the net amount of contribution room as of the beginning of that year. This calculation is based on the provided TransactionHistory and the user's date of birth.


Let's say you wanted to calculate what percentage of your total gross contribution room is currently in use. You could do this:

from tfsa import TFSA, TransactionHistory

date_of_birth = '1978-03-23'  # string understood by date.fromisoformat
history_json = []  # retrieved by scraping script

history = TransactionHistory.from_json(history_json)
tfsa = TFSA(date_of_birth, history)

gross_contribution_room = tfsa.total_gross_contribution_room()
net_contributed = sum(history.contributions) - sum(history.withdrawals)
print("%.2f%%" % (100 * net_contributed / gross_contribution_room))