
tempus biofx challenge

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Several avenues for implementation were considered:

  1. grab as much as possible from the vcf itself and run a batch request (/rest/bulk/variant) for variant data on ExAC.
    this would have been fast and relatively easy to implement, but would not annotate most of the non-SNP variation, since ExAC is largely a view of dbsnp.
  2. just run the vcf through snpeff or annovar.
    cheating ?
  3. try and annotate variant consequences myself by investigating effects on transcription and translation.
    avoid the weeds of genomic to tx projections and codon tables by using the hgvs package.

This solution implements option (3).


python >= 3.7
$ python setup.py install

Performance of hgvs can be greatly improved by installing a local instance of seqrepo ( takes ~20 min )

$ pip install seqrepo
$ seqrepo init
$ seqrepo pull -i 2019-06-20


If seqrepo installed:

$ export HGVS_SEQREPO_DIR=/usr/local/share/seqrepo/2019-06-20

Example call used to obtain annotations.csv:

$ python -m tempus annotate test/data/Challenge_data.vcf annotations.csv --workers 5 --chunk-size 1000

Challenge Notes

Few of my questions and concerns regarding the challenge statement:

  • table vs annotated VCF:

    [..] output a table annotating each variant in the file.  upload [..] along with the annotated VCF file [..]

    Assuming that CSV should suffice.

  • type of variation:

    (Substitution, Insertion, Silent, Intergenic, etc.) [..] annotate with the most deleterious possibility

    This list is likely intentionally vague. Genetics are somewhat mixed with genomics here - variant type and function can be orthogonal. Will try to make some safe assumptions and implement just some of the basic functional nomenclature possible.

Implementation Notes

  • Parallelism via splitting the vcf into chunks and letting separate processes chug away is rather inelegant.
    Threads or coroutines would make more sense for the network-bound IO characteristic of this annotator. But seqrepo is not thread-safe and I didn't feel like digging too deep into the issues there. Coroutines could certainly be considered, but again I just wanted a quick and dirty solution and keep the library APIs maximally transparent.
  • Some extra effort went into 5'-normalizing (left shuffle) variants to query ExAC.
    But the gains from such normalization were never assessed and could well be negligible.
  • PyVCF is a bit rough around the edges.
    For example, pickling _Record(s) (objects that represent loci) destroys some of the INFO and GT data inside. Writing is also no joke. Perhaps, this is why CVS table is good enough for now :)
  • jupyter notebooks found in nb/ are merely scratch paper.