
eCQM 2021 content for FHIR R4

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eCQM Measure Content (FHIR R4 v4.0.1)

This repository contains the 2021 measure artifacts for all FHIR based eCQMs. It is setup like any HL7 FHIR IG project but also includes the CQL files and test data which means the file structure will be as follows:

   |-- _genonce.bat
   |-- _genonce.sh
   |-- _refresh.bat
   |-- _refresh.sh
   |-- _updatePublisher.bat
   |-- _updatePublisher.sh
   |-- _updateCQFTooling.bat
   |-- _updateCQFTooling.sh
   |-- ig.ini
   |-- bundles
       |-- measure
   |-- input
       |-- ecqm-content-r4.xml
       |-- pagecontent
           |-- cql
               |-- EXM124.cql
       |-- resources
           |-- library
               |-- EXM124.json
           |-- measure
               |-- EXM124.json
       |-- tests
           |-- measure
               |-- EXM124
       |-- vocabulary
           |-- valueset

Refresh IG Processing

Note that there are known issues with the refresh ig processing of MAT-extracted measure content that we are still working through.

Extracting MAT Packages

The CQF Tooling provides support for extracting a MAT exported package into the directories of this repository so that the measure is included in the published implementation guide. To do this, place the MAT export files (unzipped) in a directory in the bundles\mat directory, and then run the following tooling command:

[tooling-jar] -ExtractMatBundle bundles\mat\[bundle-directory]\[bundle-file]

For example:

input-cache\tooling-1.3.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -ExtractMATBundle bundles\mat\CLONE124_v6_03-Artifacts\measure-json-bundle.json

Then run the _refresh command to refresh the implementation guide content with the new content, and then run _genonce to publish the implementation guide.