
Reactive Image Gallery with Admin - React Js & Firebase Project (2018)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Why React?

  • Build huge application with information that change on time.
  • High performance when information upload thank to the Virtual DOM.
  • Easy reusable components.
  • Full integration with another API.
  • Really is JavaScript so it is easy to learn.

How start?

  • Clone project https://github.com/pGarciaAndres/reactFirebase.git
  • npm install
  • npm start

How start with React & Firebase?

Create a React application

  • npm install -g create-react-app
  • create-react-app reactFirebase
  • npm start
  • npm install --save firebase
  • Import firebase in index.js file.


  • apiKey: "AIzaSyAvx2aAGLyy7fwebLHNakrUrarTVp-j-xw",
  • authDomain: "reactfirebase-d23fe.firebaseapp.com",
  • databaseURL: "https://reactfirebase-d23fe.firebaseio.com",
  • projectId: "reactfirebase-d23fe",
  • storageBucket: "reactfirebase-d23fe.appspot.com",
  • messagingSenderId: "806980862354"