
Code and data accompanying our paper on arXiv "Faithful Chain-of-Thought Reasoning".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code and data accompanying our paper "Faithful Chain-of-Thought Reasoning" in IJCNLP-AACL 2023.

Table of Contents

News 📣

  • [Nov 2023] 🎉 Our paper won the Area Chair Award (Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP) at IJCNLP-AACL 2023!

  • [Sep 2023] Our paper was accepted to IJCNLP-AACL 2023!

  • [Jul 2023] Our paper was presented at the Natural Language Reasoning and Structured Explanations (NLRSE) Workshop (non-archival track) at ACL 2023.

  • [Apr 2023] We have added results using ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) and GPT-4 (gpt-4) as the underlying Translator LM.

    Here are the accuracy scores in comparison to the original Codex (code-davinci-002), using the same prompt + greedy decoding:

GSM8K SVAMP MultiArith ASDiv AQUA saycan StrategyQA date sports CLUTRR
Codex 72.2 83.5 98.8 80.2 47.2 89.3 63.0 81.6 99.1 58.9
ChatGPT 75.8 83.0 95.3 81.7 53.5 80.6 51.5 73.5 52.3 12.1
GPT-4 95.0 95.3 98.5 95.6 73.6 92.2 54.0 95.8 99.3 62.7

With GPT-4, Faithful CoT achieves❗95.0+ few-shot accuracy❗on almost all Math Word Problem datasets, Date Understanding, and Sports Understanding.

See output_dir/performance_summary.csv for detailed results and output_dir/{dataset_name} for model predictions.

Get started

We suggest using miniconda/conda to set up the environment. The environment.yml file specifies the minimal dependencies. You can create a virtual environment using it according to this guildeline.

Essentially, you'll need to do something like:

cd /path/to/Faithful-COT
conda env create -f ./environment.yml --prefix ./envs

Additionally, to run experiments on StrategyQA, you should install Soufflé (a version of Datalog interpreter we use) following these instructions. It's not a Python package, so you'll need to install it separately. Note that under the "Installing Souffle" section you should use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="~/.local" for it to be installed to the right place.

Repo Structure

  • environment.yml: Conda environment file.
  • data/: Evaluation datasets. See data/README.md for details.
  • output_dir/: Model prediction files. See output_dir/README.md for details.
  • source/: Source codes.
    • dataset/: Dataset utility functions.
    • configuration/: model configuration. This is to specify the hyperparameters for each model, such as "prompt_name", "LM", and so on.
      • configuration.py: the Config class. See the definition of each field in the init() funciton.
      • config_files/: the configuration files for each model. Each file name is in the format of {model-name}.json, e.g., code002_NL+SL.json. See configuration/README.md for details.
    • prompt/: The prompts for the LM to generate the reasoning chain. For every prompt with name {prompt-name} (e.g., NL+SL), there are two files associated with it:
      • {prompt-name}_prompt.txt: the prompt containing few-shot examples. See NL+SL_prompt.txt for an example.
      • {prompt-name}_template.txt: the template to transform a new input example into the desired format. See NL+SL_template.txt for an example.
      • The above two files will be used in combination to generate the final prompt to query the LM. See codex.py for details.
      • The {prompt-name} here corresponds to the "prompt_name" field in a configuration file.
    • model/:
      • codex.py: tur main Model class. See inline comments for details.
      • solver/: the deterministic solvers for each dataset. They are called by Model in executing the reasoning chain to derive the answer.
    • predict/:
      • predict.py: Run the model to make predictions on a dataset. Output will be saved under ouput_dir/.
    • evaluate/:
      • evaluate_answer_acc.py: Evaluate the answer accuracy for a certain model configuration on a given dataset and split.
      • gen_perf_table.py: Generate a table of performance summary for all model configurations on all datasets in output_dir/.


Make predictions

  1. Provide your OpenAI API key(s) by creating a file called key.py under source/ in the following format:
	"key1_nickname": "key1",
	"key2_nickname": "key2",

Note that your keys should have access to the relevant LM (code-davinci-002, etc.) specified in the configuration you'd like to use.

  1. Choose a model configuration you'd like to use. You can use an existing configuration under configuration/config_files/{dataset_name} or create a new one. See configuration/README.md for details.

  2. Run source/predict/predict.py:

$ python predict.py -h
usage: predict.py [-h]
                  [--dataset_name {GSM8K,ASDiv,MultiArith,SVAMP,AQUA,date,StrategyQA,sports,saycan,CLUTRR}]
                  [--split {train,dev,test}] [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                  [--completion_only] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_name {GSM8K,ASDiv,MultiArith,SVAMP,AQUA,date,StrategyQA,sports,saycan,CLUTRR}
                        The name of the dataset.
  --split {train,dev,test}
                        The split of the dataset.
  --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        The name of the model (should have a corresponding
                        config file under `configuration/config_files/dataset_name` called
  --completion_only     Only query the LM to generate the completion
                        (reasoning chain), but not execute the solver to
                        derive the answer.
  --debug               If true, only run on the first 10 examples.


nohup python predict.py --model_name code002_NL+SL --dataset_name GSM8K --split test > logs/GSM8K/code002_NL+SL_test.log 2>&1 &

The model predictions will be saved under output_dir/{dataset_name}/{split}/{model_name}. See output_dir/README.md for details on the format.


  • It's recommended to use nohup since certain experiments can take hours to run. Also, you may need to create the relevant logs/{dataset_name} directory if it doesn't exist.
  • The --completion_only flag is useful when you run the prediction script on a server, where it may be non-trivial to install certain solvers (e.g. Soufflé). In this case, you can simply run predict.py with the --completion_only flag on, which will generate the completions only but not derive the answer. Then, on your local machine with the necessary solvers installed, you can run source/predict/get_answer_from_completion.py (with the same arguments) to derive the answer from the completions.

Evaluate the model predictions

Run source/evaluate/evaluate_answer_acc.py with the following arguments:

$ python evaluate_answer_acc.py -h
usage: evaluate_answer_acc.py [-h]
                              [--dataset_name {GSM8K,ASDiv,MultiArith,SVAMP,AQUA,date,StrategyQA,sports,saycan,CLUTRR}]
                              [--split {train,dev,test}]
                              [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--non_empty_only]
                              [--valid_only] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_name {GSM8K,ASDiv,MultiArith,SVAMP,AQUA,date,StrategyQA,sports,saycan,CLUTRR}
                        The name of the dataset.
  --split {train,dev,test}
                        The split of the dataset.
  --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        The name of the model (should have a corresponding
                        config file under
                        `configuration/config_files/dataset_name` called
  --non_empty_only      If true, only evaluate on non-empty answers.
  --valid_only          If true, only evaluate on valid answers.
  --debug               If true, only run on the first 10 examples.

The accuracy will be printed to stdout.


python evaluate_answer_acc.py --model_name code002_NL+SL --dataset_name GSM8K --split test


Dataset: GSM8K
Split: test
Model: code002_NL+SL
Answer accuracy: 72.2

Get a performance summary table

To reproduce the numbers in our paper, you can generate a performance summary table for all model configurations on all datasets in output_dir/ by running source/evaluate/gen_perf_table.py (no arguments needed).


python gen_perf_table.py

The output will be saved to output_dir/performance_summary.csv. If there do not exist predictions for a certain model configuration on a dataset, the corresponding cell will be empty.


If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:

  title={Faithful chain-of-thought reasoning},
  author={Lyu, Qing and Havaldar, Shreya and Stein, Adam and Zhang, Li and Rao, Delip and Wong, Eric and Apidianaki, Marianna and Callison-Burch, Chris},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13379},