
A ZNC module that provides the ability to search server-side logs

Primary LanguagePython


znc-logsearch is a ZNC module. It allows users to search the log files made by the log module from any client.


  • The ZNC server must be running ZNC v1.6.0 or later.
  • The ZNC server must have the log module enabled using the default configuration
  • The ZNC server must have grep on the PATH of the user ZNC is running under.


This executes commands on the ZNC server based on user input.

Requested channel/user names are checked for potential directory traversal. The paths of the files to search are gathered in pure Python (using the glob module) and fed into grep WITHOUT using the shell=True argument.

With that being said, I make no guarantees that this is foolproof, use this module at your own risk.


  1. Make sure modpython is loaded
  2. Copy logsearch.py into the ZNC modules directory.
  3. Load the module using /msg *status loadmodule logsearch
    • By default the module is loaded at the global level which allows all users to use it
    • To load the module at the user level instead use /msg *status loadmodule --type=user logsearch


logsearch: Search ZNC logs and return the results

The functionality of this module is provided by shell globbing and grep.
The channel/user portion of the command uses normal globbing rules ("*" matches anything).
The query is fed directly into "grep -i" and uses normal regex rules (".*" matches anything).

| Command            | Description                            |
| ?/help             | Shows the help text                    |
| * <query>          | Search all logs for <query>            |
| #<channel> <query> | Search logs in <channel> for <query>   |
| @<user> <query>    | Search logs to/from <user> for <query> |

| Command          | Result                                                    |
| #hi hi           | Messages in the #hi channel saying "hi"                   |
| @NickServ .*     | Any private messages to/from NickServ                     |
| @* hello         | Any private messages saying "hello"                       |
| #* znc           | Mentions of ZNC in any channel                            |
| #znc* testing    | Messages in channels starting with "znc" saying "testing" |
| * znc            | Mentions of ZNC in any logs (channel or private message)  |
| * ] \* .* dances | Dancing users in any logs                                 |
| * .*             | Any messages in any logs                                  |

Local testing

It's possible to test the majority of the functionality of this module without having ZNC installed. Running ./testlocal.py will perform a search over the moddata/log directory in the local directory.

This folder should have the same structure as the moddata/log folder that the ZNC log module produces when loaded as a global module in ZNC.


Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0