
canjs testing with jest

Primary LanguageJavaScript

tesing with jest

  1. use dependencies in package.json
  2. use new babel babel.config.js (for babel 7+)
  3. use jest config jest.config.js
    • use a setup test file e.g. setupTest.js for basic jest configuration like jest-dom and pretty-format
    • use babel-jest for transform es6 into commonjs. see transform config
    • exclude node modules that should not be transformed. see transformIgnorePatterns config. basic example is the can package which is written in es6. submodules like can-component are written in commonjs.
    • use jest-trailing-slash-resolver for resolving stealjs'ish module naming with trailing slash. ./foo/bar/ -> ./foo/bar/bar. see resolver
  4. use jest-dom
  5. name tests like xxx.test.js or xxx.spec.js. phpStorm will jump from source to test with CRTL+SHIFT+T
  6. use npx for calling local jest. e.g. npx jest --clearCache
  7. snapshots should be committed to git
  8. create a Jest phpStorm Configuration to debug tests. add a --watch to the config to automatically run tests. see https://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2018/10/testing-with-jest-in-webstorm/ for more info.
  9. add javascript libraries (types) to phpStorm get autocompletion. Languages & Framworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries.
    • @types/jquery
    • @types/jest
    • jest-dom (add jest-dom.ts file from node_modules)
  10. import like import {Component} from "can"; can slow down the test because jest have to transform the whole can package into commonjs. better:
  • import the es6 code import Component from "can/es/can-component";
  • even better, import the module directly, since it is written in commonjs. import Component from "can-component";