
FileUploader is a php class which enables you to upload files on your website !

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



FileUploader is a php class which enables you to upload files on your website !

features :

  • Upload various type of files. You can choose the allowed formats.
  • Rename uploaded files
  • Choose location of the uploaded files
  • Image resizing


FileUploader is available via Composer/Packagist, so just add this line to your composer.json file:

"pa-bru/file-uploader": "~1.0"


composer require pa-bru/file-uploader


Call the class:

$file = $_FILES["myfile"];

$args = [
	  "fileName" => "my-filename",
          "contentDir" => "my-directory/",
          "allowedExts" => array(),
          "maxSize" => 1000000,
          "width" => 200,
          "height" => 300

$uploader = new FileUploader($file, $args);

$file : File upload data table $file is required

$args : table arguments that can be passed to the constructor $args is optional. eg: $uploader = new FileUploader($file);


  • fileName : name of file. If not specified, a single string is assigned.
  • contentDir : Destination folder of the file added. The folder is created if it does not exist.
  • allowedExts : Table of allowed extensions.
  • maxSize : The maximum file size in bytes.
  • width : In pixel (px) for resizing images (PNG, JPEG, JPG, GIF).
  • height : In pixel (px) for resizing images (PNG, JPEG, JPG, GIF).

Get the parameters (Getters) :

  • Get file extension :
  • Get the destination path of the file :
  • Get the height to be assigned to the image file :
  • Get the width to be assigned to the image file :
  • Get the maximum file size :
  • Get the destination folder of the file :
  • Get the filename :
  • Get file data table :
  • Get the allowed extensions for uploading a file :

Set the parameters (Setters) :

  • Set file path :
  • Set the height to be assigned to the file (if it is an image) :
  • Set the width to be assigned to the file (if it is an image):
  • Set the maximum size allowed for file upload :
  • Set the destination folder of the file :
  • Set the name to be assigned to the file :
  • Set the file to upload :
  • Set the table of allowed extensions for file upload :
$uploader->setAllowedExts(array $allowedExts);

Launch upload :


If successful the upload () method returns the path of the uploaded file.


v1.0 :

  • Initial Version


Copyright © 2016 Paul-Adrien Bru | MIT license