Pa11y Dashboard is a web interface which helps you monitor the accessibility of your websites
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Investigate and fix issues with Node.js v16
#288 opened by josebolos - 0
Update to Bootstrap 5.x and SCSS
#307 opened by camtin - 2
Pa11y rules (array) to use only specific rules.
#301 opened by sunsnba - 0
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Replace Makefile with npm scripts
#300 opened by josebolos - 10
Docker setup
#253 opened by Jamesking56 - 1
Tabs Component Keyboard Behaviour
#291 opened by cmuncharaz - 0
Results Page Layout
#305 opened by cmuncharaz - 0
Task Cards Options Button
#304 opened by cmuncharaz - 2
ObjectID generation failed
#302 opened by agranados0121 - 1
ObjectID generation failed
#260 opened by pentiafrn - 6
Does pa11y-dashboard provide monitoring?
#259 opened by anevins12 - 2
Allow Dashboard to choose which engine to run
#262 opened by hollsk - 1
Update rulesets list to add WCAG 2.1 options
#263 opened by hollsk - 1
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Running a test blocks the server response
#295 opened by josebolos - 1
Grouping scans into folders
#294 opened by cromination - 0
Chart download
#293 opened by cmuncharaz - 0
Running a test can block the dashboard until the page timesout or the test finishes
#289 opened by josebolos - 0
Unable to access test results when more than one test is run on the same date
#287 opened by josebolos - 2
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Just how to get this working?
#271 opened by knkarthik - 3
Error [MongoError]: w has to be a non-negative number and not greater than 50
#275 opened by santoshdasa12345 - 3
Failed to launch chrome! in Docker Container
#266 opened by sagarmal624 - 1
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Basic authentication to view dashboard
#268 opened by enotick - 6
404 error on «run» action on task
#241 opened by tassoman - 0
Replace chalk with a leaner library
#256 opened by josebolos - 3
Unable to run Pa11y Dashboard in local - TypeError: is not a function
#261 opened by selvakumarca - 4
Error_Cert_Authority invalid
#223 opened by naveen7036 - 4
Add a "Deploy to Heroku" button
#238 opened by sjparkinson - 3
No activities during cron
#242 opened by tassoman - 2
Integrate Pa11y Dashboard with azure Pipeline.
#247 opened by vishal-ghawale - 3
Just a Questions.
#249 opened by vishal-ghawale - 1
Possible to use mongodb through deployd?
#251 opened by jasonday - 1
WCAG2.1 supporting
#255 opened by skudrua2019 - 1
Add Groupings to pages
#254 opened by grcameron - 4
Error 500 on fresh install and startup
#252 opened by pandabrand - 3
How to view log of pa11y dashboard
#231 opened by aazadgit - 1
Failed to finish task in pa11y Dashboard
#227 opened by amitcsknit - 3
hosting pa11y dashboard
#230 opened by petervangennip - 1
Ability to crawl entire sites
#232 opened by sandysh - 0
Remove username & password fields
#233 opened by joeyciechanowicz - 1
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Configs not loaded & 500 error
#229 opened by petervangennip - 1
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Dashboard issue
#222 opened by spandey0202