Capacitated vehicle routing problem solved using population based variable neighborhood descent.

Primary LanguageJava


Capacitated vehicle routing problem solved using population based variable neighborhood descent.

Short introduction

The main idea behing this project is to comapre the effectiveness of the basic VND and population based VND algorithm and not to produce the best solutions for the presented CVRP problem. We used the Augerat 1995 P CVRP dataset available at link

Strategies used

In our experiments we use the following neighborhoods:

  • merges two routes into one
  • swap stations between two routes
  • move the station from one route to another Note that after every change the route is re-optimized using a simple TSP solver.

In our experiments we use the following neighbor selection strategies:

  • best improving neighbor
  • random improving neighbor
  • first improving neighbor


Through the experiments made in this project we show that using population based VND especially with neighborhood generation strategy shuffling can produce noticeably better results than just a basic implementation of VND.

Random strategy results (Hower to se the image title):

First strategy results (Hower to se the image title):

Best strategy results (Hower to se the image title):

Technical note

This project uses the Heuristic-algorithms project as the basis of its implementation.