
A Very Simple PHP lite mvc patterns

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Very Simple PHP application developed from scratch with MVC Pattern

This is a simple project that contains home, error and blog pages. It is developed without using a framework, but from scratch with MVC pattern. There are two main php files as core engine : appurl.php and controller.php both located at root application folder. The root application folder contains four php file, the rest file are config.php and mylib.php. An extremely simple and easy way to understand MVC pattern application, reduced to the max. Everything is as simple as possible, as manually as possible and as readable as possible. The php-mvc pattern tries to be the extremely slimmed down opposite of big and well known frameworks like Zend2, Symfony or Laravel.

Why does this project exist ?

One of the biggest question in the PHP world is "How do I build an application ?". It's hard to find a good base, a good file structure and useful information on that, but at the same time there are masses of frameworks that might be really good, but really hard to understand, hard to use and extremely complex. This project tries to be some kind of naked skeleton bare-bone for quick application building, especially for the not-so-advanced coder.

Goals of this project:

give people a clean base MVC to build a modern PHP application with teach people the basics of the Model-View-Controller pattern.Encourage people to code according to PSR 1/2 coding guidelines.

  1. promote the usage of PDO.
  2. promote the usage of external libraries via Composer.
  3. promote development with max. error reporting.
  4. promote to comment code.
  5. promote the usage of OOP code.
  6. using only native PHP code.

Author Website : http://www.webcode.or.id

Inspiring by Panique, http://www.dev-metal.com