This project is based on the Lama Dev's YouTube tutorial Animated Portfolio Website with React & Framer Motion. Here is a Next.js 13 version of the project from the tutorial, also it uses Tailwind CSS, Shadcn/UI and some additional features.
- Next.js 14
- Server actions
- Custom React hooks
- Tailwind CSS, custom theme
- Sass CSS
- Shadcn/UI components
- Dark, light and system mode
- Framer Motion
- Parallax images with scrolling
- SVG animation
- Custom fonts and logo
- Resend for email sending
- Form validation with React hook form and Zod
- Google reCaptcha v3 for spam prevention
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
and hosted on Vercel.
Install the dependencies:
npm install
In addition you may want to create a Vercel project and link it to the repository then you can manage the environment variables from the Vercel admin panel.
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3001 with your browser to see the result.
- TailwindCSS: Using with Preprocessors
- Framer Motion
- SVG Repo
- reCaptcha