This will eventually be a client for backup up local files to JottaCloud a fast, reliable and cheap cloud storage solution based in Norway. It's written in NodeJS and should work on most all OS and even devices like NAS. As Jotta has not released any official API or documentation this client is entirely created by examining the requests the official client does then figuring out how to recreate them.
NodeJS (required),
git (optional, but recomended),
Install nodejs and npm (node package manager). Download the code, easiest is to use git and simply clone this repository.
git clone
Then download the required dependencies:
npm install
To update if you used git simply do a git pull from within the node-jfs folder you previously cloned.
git pull
Create the file config.json and insert your username and password:
"username": "yourusername",
"password": "yourpassword",
"syslogServer": "localhost",
"logLevel": 3
The sysLogServer and logLevel are optional. Log levels available are:
3 Error
6 Informational
7 Debug
Listing content
node jfs.js --ls [Device/MountPoint/Folder]
--ls list all devices (if you have more than one)
--ls device list all mount points on device
--ls device/mountpoint list all folders and files in mount point
--ls device/mountpoint/folder list all folders and files in folder
Downloading a file
node jfs.js --get Device/MountPoint/Folder/File
Upload a single file
node jfs.js --put Device/MountPoint/Folder --file LocalFile.ext
Note that for now the device (first part of path) must already exist.
Upload a folder
node jfs.js --put Device/MountPoint/Folder --folder LocalPath --ignore .tmp --ignore temp
This will scan all files (and folders) in LocalPath and upload any new or changed files. Ignoring any files containing ignore strings in name.
node jfs.js --put MyComputer/Backup/Pictures --folder "c:\Users\paaland\Documents\My Pictures" --ignore .tmp --ignore temp --ignore .thumb 2> Backup.%date%.errors.log
This will backup all content in c:\Users\paaland\Documents\My Pictures (except any files that has .tmp temp or .thump as part of their name) to Jotta device MyComputer, mount point Backup and folder Pictures. Any errors will be logged to Backup.08.02.2017.errors.log (date is example).
The first part of the path is called a device. Whether you can have multiple devies depends on your account type. Unlimited accounts can have an unlimited number of devices. The device "Jotta" is reserved for the Jotta functionality. Under Jotta you will find "Sync", "Backup" and "Archive" which are reserved mount points.
Jotta/Sync -> This is where your sync folder resides
Jotta/Backup -> This is the mount point for backup of devices
Jotta/Archive -> This is the mount point for archived files
- Note that JottaCloud is officially only for Windows. This means that file names and paths are not case sensitive. So README and readme will be the same file.
- To download files or list files in folders that has a space either encapsulate in quotes or use a + character ("device/Home Videos" or device/Home+Videos)
- This client cannot create new devices. You have to use an existing device when uploading to JottaCloud (first part of destination URL).
- The first time a file is uploaded it's MD5 hash, last modified date and size is store in a sqlite3 database. On subsequent runs a file is only uploaded if modified date or size is changed.
This client has been made partially by observing what the official client does (by setting up a proxy) and the following "documentation":