- 1
#780 opened by hitmands - 8
Support arm64 runners
#768 opened by nirmalsunny - 7
Does not run on macos-14
#744 opened by isaachinman - 7
Update from Node.js 16 to Node.js 20
#731 opened by cyri113 - 2
Support for node 20.x
#716 opened by MiguelFrias97 - 1
As the v5 got released, v4 broke
#722 opened by rogerluan - 0
Allow `coverageCommand` to be a multiline script?
#728 opened by takanuva15 - 2
Run paambaati/codeclimate-action@v4.0.0 Error: File not found: '/home/runner/work/_actions/paambaati/codeclimate-action/v4.0.0/lib/main.js'
#721 opened by amindadgar - 1
CC Reporter GPG signature verfication failed!
#690 opened by mattseddon - 9
could we add windows support?
#665 opened by bboyle - 7
- 6
CoveragePy Formatter not found.
#269 opened by Jsyro - 1
- 1
- 5
Support arm64 machine
#663 opened by isac322 - 2
Incorrect branch and sha sent to Code Climate when workflow triggered by `pull_request_target` event
#627 opened by mattseddon - 3
Clean up generated files
#639 opened by YunaBraska - 4
- 15
Detected dubious ownership in repository
#654 opened by marcospassos - 4
- 7
GitHub Actions failing with: File not found: '/home/runner/work/_actions/paambaati/codeclimate-action/v3.1.0/lib/main.js'
#626 opened by edouard - 4
v3 fails to load
#638 opened by djbrown - 2
- 4
- 3
Error when downloading action
#629 opened by andresionek91 - 2
Deprecation warnings on CI
#621 opened by edouard - 1
- 13
Error: could not find any viable formatter 255
#316 opened by sergeevpasha - 1
Error upon trying to use Action
#584 opened by exoRift - 5
Failed job `fatal: unsafe repository ('/__w/T-Regx/T-Regx' is owned by someone else)`
#536 opened by danon - 2
- 2
Consider deleting the 2.7.1 release
#533 opened by joshhayes-sheen-vt - 5
[Bug] v3.0.0: could not find any viable formatter
#517 opened by selfagency - 3
Reporter checksum does not match
#509 opened by marcospassos - 3
Can't read pyproject.toml errors
#434 opened by danyeaw - 1
Handling pull_request_target event
#451 opened by RomainCoudour - 0
Split action into before-build and after-build phases
#469 opened by Fryguy - 4
Verify the downloaded executable
#331 opened by mmatheson - 3
v3.0.0 fails to load
#430 opened by vbersier - 1
Unable to locate executable file cc-reporter
#352 opened by Mulugruntz - 3
Issue with PHPUnit and Clover
#346 opened by MrEssex - 1
Getting UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning
#344 opened by dahliacreative - 0
- 11
Unexpected error during `before-build` process
#275 opened by dutterbutter - 3
Prefix parameter not passed to test-reporter if coverageLocations is empty
#265 opened by matthewshirley - 0
- 3
Glob support for coverage locations
#234 opened by hitmands - 3
- 9
v2.7.1 stopped sending coverage comments.
#235 opened by dashmug - 5
action don't run the coverageCommand
#237 opened by lielran