##Instructions to run

1.Run MySQL server on port 3306
2.Create “db_ass_ii” database using “db_ass_ii.sql” file in project folder( user: root and no password)
3.Run MongoDB on port 27017
4.Run Neo4J on port
5.Go to /bin/main and run Main.class (Or you can open the project and compile it and run Main class)
6.It will read the .csv files in /bin and populate MySQL db.
7.Then it will ask for number of records to be added to MongoDB db, enter a number for that.
8.Then it will ask for month to check income by day.(Enter an int between 1-12)
9.Then it will ask for month to check top 10 buyers.(Enter an int between 1-12)

set the path in src / ucsc / managers / OrderAnalyzer.java

neo4j_path = "youdrive:/path/to/your/neo4j/db/";